In the Market

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Shopping is one of my favorite pastimes, so it comes without saying that when I am in another country, I love to seek out the local markets for unique souvenirs and crafts.

Quito’s Mercado Artesanal La Mariscal was only a block away from our hotel and after one of our long days seeing the sights of the city, we made a quick visit to see if I could find an addition to my nativity collection. This market was very similar to the ones I had visited in Peru and Guatemala and offered some unique and sometimes similar pieces. Even though I found the Ecuadorian addition to my collection, I held off on making additional purchases.

Having heard of the large open-air market in Otavalo, we decided that we would hire a driver to take us there to see what rare treasures we could find.

The colorful Indian market is the largest in Ecuador and located about a two hour drive from Quito in the Imbabura Province of Ecuador. Market days are held every day, but the biggest days are Wednesday and Saturday and products that are offered are some of the nicest in Latin America.

Built in 1970 on the Plaza de los Ponchos, the market consists of concrete umbrella shaped stalls with benches. A prime tourist destination, the town attracts visitors who not only come to see what exclusive goods they can discover but those seeking a romantic destination or one that offers a wide array of outdoor activities including hiking, crater lakes, volcanoes and parks.

Parking on the street nearby, we decided on a time to meet our driver later and made our way through the rows of vendor’s tables and umbrellas to discover what makes this market one of the most recommended by everyone I had spoken to.

As it was a Saturday, the market was quite busy and had taken over all of the side streets leading to the plaza. We wove our through the rows of vendors, stopping to inspect the different wares offered by each…ponchos, jewelry, sweaters, wall hangings, shawls, purses, jackets, masks, food items…you name it! There were even nativity sets, although I was quite content with what I had purchased in Quito.

After a while, the sheer size of the market and the amount of merchandise available for purchase was quite overwhelming. With so much competition, it was easy to barter with the stall owners, many of which were dressed in traditional outfits of white embroidered blouses with lace sleeves, and black or dark blue over skirts with white underskirts for the women and white trousers and dark blue ponchos for men. Once we had made a few purchases for ourselves and family, I began to really to take note (and lots of photos) of how colorful and beautiful my surroundings were.

With quite a bit of time left before meeting our driver, I was quite content to take a seat near the front of the plaza, people watch and try to photographically capture the excitement and hustle and bustle of the market and its participants.

So, in the end…was the two hour drive worth what we discovered?

I think the market in Quito, though not as colorful and energetic as the one in Otavalo, offered just as much of a selection of goods as what we found there. It was nice, however, to be able to discover something in another Ecuadorian city and see what else this beautiful country has to offer.

And…in the end…I got some pretty cool photos!

For more pictures, check out Facebook, Snapping the Globe and Instagram, @snappingtheglobe.

Otavalo Market

  • Address: Plaza de los Ponchos, Otavalo, Imbabura 100450
  • Hours: Daily, 0700-1800
  • Admission: free
  • Getting There: By bus, from North Terminal, 2-3 hours depending on road work, $5 per person. By car, take the Pan American highway to the north from Quito.

Mercado de Artesanías El Mariscal

  • Address: Reina Victoria and Juan Leon Mera on Jorge Washington Road, Quito Pichincha 170150
  • Hours: Monday-Friday, 0930-1830, Saturday, 0930-1900, Sunday, 1030-1730
  • Admission: free

The Cathedral In the Plaza

©2020 Snapping the Globe, L.L.C. All rights reserved.

In the Plaza Independencia, you can spend a good part of your day see only what is there, including devouring a scrumptious lunch going to mass and making new friends!

Quito’s Cathedral stands on the southern side of the plaza and is a one of the most important churches in the city.  Dating back to 1535, when the Spanish founded Quito, it was given the name of Metropolitan Cathedral, until twenty-five years ago, when it was name the Primada Cathedral for the evangelizing work that the church had done over the years.

Construction of the cathedral began between 1550 and 1560 with many renovations over the years, until its completion in 1806.  As we walked through the building, the many architectural styles that make up the interior should be a great contrast, however, the styles blend together remarkably…the arches are of the Gothic design, while the altar is very Baroque…the choir area is Neoclassic and the ceilings Moorish.  

There are many main attractions in the church that are not to be missed that include the High Altar, gilded and backed by a monumental dome and fronted by a beautiful carved, wooden altarpiece, stunning stained glass windows, stone plates of the first settlers, its Moorish-styled coiffured ceiling, three domes (one carved in the shape of a convex quadrangle, the second, oval-shaped and the third, circular), a carved and gilded wooden pulpit (topped with a sculpture of St. Peter), ornate side chapels and the spacious high choir which houses a German organ.

Many prominent citizens have been interred here, including Mariscal Sucre (liberator Simon Bolivar’s right-hand man), Antoinio Jose de Sucre, Cardinal de la Torre, priests, bishops and many of the Republic’s presidents.

Most importantly, the cathedral houses the most notable relic in all of Quito, that of the Christian martyr, Saint Urcisino.  Given as a gift from Pope Pius IX to President Garcia Moreno, it was has resided here since 1871.

The cathedral also contains a museum with many types of art, both ecclesiastical and colonial and an imitation of the Last Supper painting cannot be missed…instead of the usual dinner fare, Jesus and the apostles dine on cuy, the traditional South American dish…yes, it’s guinea pig.

It was revealed to me some time after our visit that visitors can climb through a very narrow and dark staircase and passages and emerge on the roof for a great view of the city and the square beneath, as well as climb to the domes.  I guess since it was the end of our day, we missed this!

Though I was sad about not having known about the climb to the top, I had the privilege of looking down on the city from many vantage points during my visit…from the top of the Teleferico, from Panecillo Hill and from the top of the Basilica.  Instead of being regretful of what we did not get to do, I will focus on the many beautiful things we witnessed inside this amazing cathedral!

For more pictures, check out Facebook, Snapping the Globe and Instagram, @snappingtheglobe.

Museo Catedral Primada de Quito

  • Address: Venezuela y Espejo 715, Quito 
  • Hours: Monday-Saturday, 0930-1700
  • Admission: National Tourists, Adults, $2.00, Children, Students, Seniors, People with Disabilities, $1.00. Visit to Domes (Church+Museum+Domes) $4.00. Foreign Tourists, Adults, $3.00, Children, Students, Seniors, People with Disabilities, $2.00. Visit to Domes (Church+Museum+Domes) $6.00.

Treats and Treasures

©2020 Snapping the Globe, L.L.C. All rights reserved.

With so many things to do and see in Quito’s historic city center, it was hard to choose, much less squeeze as much as we could into one day!

Trying to maintain a balance of churches, convents and monasteries was the challenge as there are so many to visit.

The Monasterio Museo del Carmen Alto was one of the monasteries that I was interested in for its rich history. Built in 1653, it is still home to twenty Carmelite nuns and houses an fascinating museum.

The whitewashed, two-story building was the former home of Quito’s patron saint, Mariana de Jesus (1618-1645). Today, thousands of pilgrims make their way to the monastery to pay their respects to this Ecuadorian saint. Thousands more come to tour the exhibits which explore the daily routines of the cloistered nuns who have made their lives here, the religious art and artifacts from the monastery’s prestigious history and to purchase some of the nuns traditional sweets.

The cloistered nuns at Carmen Alto stay busy by producing limones desamargados, hollowed out tiny lemons filled with a sweet creamy center. After your visit, make sure to stop by the gift shop near the exit where you can stock up on these sweet treats as well as traditional baked goods, aromatic waters for nerves and insomnia, bee pollen, honey and bottles of mistela (anise-flavored liqueur).

The Museo del Carmen Alto is a great place to soak up some of Quito’s religious history as well as gather some unique souvenirs!

For more pictures, check out Facebook, Snapping the Globe and Instagram, @snappingtheglobe.

Museo del Carmen Alto

  • Address: Garcia Moreno y Rocafuerte, Junto al Arco de la Reina, Quito, Pinchincha 17015
  • Hours: Wednesday-Sunday, 0930-1700
  • Admission: Adults, $3.00, Students (with I.D.), $2.00, Children, $1.50, Seniors over 65 years and those with disabilities, free. Spanish tours, free. English tours, $4.00.
  • Getting There: Located in the Historic Center of Quito on García Moreno and Rocafuerte streets, next to the Arco de la Reina. By Trolebus, stop at the station of the Plaza de Santo Domingo. By car, parking available on La Ronda, Guayaquil Street, in Cadisan, Calle Mejía and García Moreno.

The Middle of the City

© 2020 Snapping the Globe, L.L.C. All rights reserved.

There are five UNESCO World Heritage Sites in Ecuador.

The city of Quito received the prestigious honor in 1978.

Notorious for it equatorial crossing, Quito is known as the Middle of the World. It’s famous Old Town, which helped to earn its UNESCO World Heritage status, can be found in the middle of the city.

Founded in the 16th century on the ruins of an Inca city, the capital of Ecuador is one of the best preserved and least altered historic centers in Latin America. The city’s chief attraction is its Old Town, el Centro Historico, and its ample array of churches, monasteries and convents which date back to the beginnings of the colony. The Old Town spans a relatively small area, so it is quite easy to cover the distance in a day. Trying to decide what to see within that area is the most difficult part.

The best way to begin the exploration of Quito is in the Plaza de la Independencia, the city’s main square. Since the Basilica had taken up our entire morning, we would officially begin our tour the Old Town here.

Also known to the locals as Plaza Grande, the square is a part of the city’s rich history and a place where they go to chat, relax, play, eat and sometimes, get their shoes polished! It is surrounded by some of the most beautiful buildings in the city, including the Governor’s Palace (Palacio de Gobierno), the home and office of the Ecuadorian president, the Metropolitan Cathedral (Cathedral Metropolitana) and a centralized fountain surrounded by well manicured gardens.

Deciding to have a bite to eat before beginning our explorations we wandered into the Palacio Arzobispal (Archbishop’s Palace), a beautiful manor located along the north side of the plaza, which is the official residence of the Archbishop of Quito. In its three cobblestone courtyards, there is a multitude of shops and eateries. In this mall, we found Cafe del Fraile situated on the second floor, extending onto the ornate wooden balconies.

The food and service were equally as good as the scenery, both inside the restaurant and out. Seated on the balcony, we had an excellent view of the courtyard below and of some of the beautiful religious artwork that decorated it. So mesmerized by the theological pieces, I had to take a walk throughout all of the rooms, to make sure I didn’t miss anything!

After our meal was complete, we proceeded into the plaza. We found that the police had completely surrounded the square with tall wire fencing and would only let us out onto Venezuela Street. Not sure what was happening, our question was answered a short time later when a band of protesters came marching down the street, carrying signs and bullhorns. Deciding to cross over to the other side of the square on another street, we headed to the Church of La Compañía de Jesus (The Church of the Society of Jesus).

After paying our admission, I inquired as to whether photos were allowed. Not surprisingly, I was told no, as is the norm in many of the churches in Ecuador. Of course, after beginning our tour of the church, I was so enthralled with the sheer artistry of the interior, that I had to try and capture as much as I could without being seen.

Built over a span of 160 years, this church is known as the most beautiful church in the city and possibly all of Ecuador. Its gold leaf interior, elaborate design and traditional architecture are some of the most captivating I have ever witnessed.

Moving on, we headed to the El Museo Camilo Egas…well, not really headed. As we were walking by, we were invited in by the security guard. Not sure of what we were going in to see, we just decided to go with it.

This museum is dedicated to one of the great modern Ecuadorian artists of the twentieth century, Camilo Egas. This exhibition showed the different stages of his work during his lifetime (1898-1962) and is housed in a beautifully restored 17th century mansion.

As we walked along in the city, we enjoyed the handsome architecture…some buildings in better condition than others. The thing we enjoyed the most, however, was the people, most going about their daily activities and those practicing their traditional trades…the hatters, shoemakers and food vendors.

It was pretty easy to navigate the city using Google Maps on my Iphone, however, people often relate that making their way around the Old Town can be quite confusing. Noticing different types of signs, we learned that many streets have two different names…the official name on green plaques and the historical name painted on ceramic tiles. Most streets in the immediate Old Town area, however, have been laid in a grid-like fashion, from north to south, so getting around the center is fairly easy.

Heading in the direction of Panecillo Hill, we had decided to make our way to Calle La Ronda, the local nightlife area, when we were stopped by the police. Apparently we stuck out like the tourists that we were and they wanted to make sure that we were cautious if we were heading toward Calle La Ronda, an area sometimes known for pickpockets and thieves. A lively area in the evenings, we had thought to check it out during the day in the event that we decided to head there for dinner later that evening.

Though the walk was uneventful, heading down off of the overpass to access Calle de la Ronda, seemed a little sketchy. Once we were on the street, however, we found it to be quiet and lined with many historic buildings. It was interesting to find out that in the past, men would serenade the women on the balconies. If they sung well, they were invited to come in and meet the family and the woman. For those that could not carry a tune? They were only met with a bucket of water to their head!

Music still plays a big part on the mile-long stretch of the pedestrian street. During the evenings, especially on Friday and Saturday, the music is cranked up and you can find many restaurants cooking up Ecuadorian specialties and vendors selling handicrafts. We did head there later that evening, but found the loud music to be quite overwhelming and chose a quieter restaurant at the far end of the street.

Swinging by the Plaza Santo Domingo, I had hoped to be able to enter the church, however we found it to be closed. Inquiring with some of the vendors, I was told it would be open later in the day. Knowing our afternoon was coming to a close, I admired the uncrowded plaza which lent to some beautiful photos and we moved on. Later that evening, when we departed Calle La Ronda, we were able to observe the Church of Santo Domingo lit up beautifully and how crowded the square had become. If street performers is your thing, this is the place to go!

Continuing on our walk through Old Town, we decided to visit the Museo del Carmen Alto which is situated on the location where Saint Mariana of Jesus (Quito’s patron saint) lived and died. (Read more about it in a future post)

Nearing Plaza Independencia, we found that the police had removed the barricades and the square was back to its normal everyday routine. Though my husband was growing tired of visiting churches and desperately wanted to grab a seat and have a beer, I persuaded him to make one last push.

The Metropolitan Cathedral situated on the southern side of the plaza was a place that I had really wanted to visit and it did not disappoint. Though it is not as extravagant from the exterior, the interior has some amazing treasures. (You can read more about in in a future post)

So that was it! SO much to do in Quito’s old town and we had only made a dent. We were spending the next day traveling out to Otavalo and its sprawling market, so seeing the rest of Quito’s treasures would have to wait until a future visit.

When spending time in Quito, there is so much more to see…the Museo Alberto Mena Caamaño and its waxworks, the Casa de María Augusta Urrutia or the Casa de Sucre, to get a glimpse inside the best preserved Old Town houses and the Governor’s Palace (tours leave every 20 minutes starting at 0900). And for the church lovers like me, there are countless sanctuaries throughout the city, many within Old Town, including Plaza de San Francisco and its baroque church, Basilica of our Lady of the Merced, The Church of El Sagrario, Carmen Bajo, Church of San Agustin, Santa Catalina de Sienna Church and Convent, Church of San Blas, El Belén, The Guápulo Church and Convent.

I really must go back!

For more pictures, check out Facebook, Snapping the Globe and Instagram, @snappingtheglobe.

El Museo Camilo Egas

  • Address: Venezuela 1302, Quito, Pichincha
  • Hours: Monday-Friday, 0900-1700, Saturday-Sunday, 1000-1600
  • Admission: $1.00

Cafe Del Fraile

  • Address: Chile Oe 4-22, Venezuela, Palacio, Arzobispal Mall, Quito, Pinchincha 170150
  • Hours: Monday-Saturday, 0900-1100, Sunday, 1000-0900

Plaza de la Independencia

  • Address: Garcia Moreno St. and Chile St., Venezuela, Quito, 170401, Ecuador
  • Hours: 24 hours, daily
  • Admission: free

Church of the Jesuits

Museo del Carmen Alto

  • Address: Garcia Moreno y Rocafuerte, Junto al Arco de la Reina, Quito, Pinchincha 17015
  • Hours: Wednesday-Sunday, 0930-1730, daily
  • Admission: Adults, $3.00, Children, $1.00

Museo Catedral Primada de Quito

  • Address: Venezuela y Espejo 715, Quito 
  • Hours: Monday-Saturday, 0930-1700
  • Admission: National Tourists, Adults, $2.00, Children, Students, Seniors, People with Disabilities, $1.00. Visit to Domes (Church+Museum+Domes) $4.00. Foreign Tourists, Adults, $3.00, Children, Students, Seniors, People with Disabilities, $2.00. Visit to Domes (Church+Museum+Domes) $6.00.

Basilica of the National Vow

© 2020 Snapping the Globe, L.L.C. All rights reserved.

We spotted it from high above the city at the top of the Teleferico…and from Panecillo Hill. Heck, we could even see it from our hotel room!

There is one stunning structure that dominates Quito’s Old Town skyline.

The Basilica of the National Vow.

In 1883, the idea to build a church that demonstrated Ecuador’s devotion to the Roman Catholic church and the Sacred Heart was recognized by Father Julio Matovelle. Though funds were set aside by the Ecuadorian Congress the following year, hoping to put Ecuador on the map with such a prestigious building, it was not enough.

Seeking to gain the assistance of the whole nation, donations were accepted in the form of stone blocks with the vow that upon the church’s completion, the names of the donors would be carved into them. To ensure the remaining funds were in place, a tax on salt was then instituted and collected.

After over a hundred years of construction and despite a blessing by Pope John Paul II in 1985 and its inauguration in 1988, the basilica is not considered technically complete. In fact, local legend says that when the Basilica is finally completed, it will be the end of the world.

Located in the Santa Prisca neighborhood of Quito’s historic Old Town, this basilica which is often compared to Paris’ Notre Dame. It is the largest in the Americas and in Quito, which made navigating the streets seeking its destination quite easy as it towers above everything nearby, perched upon a hill.

Indeed, as I gazed upon this neo-Gothic architectural marvel, it did remind me of Notre Dame, however, as I approached, gazing upward, there were no gargoyles. The French architect, Emilio Tarlier, instead, used turtles, iguanas and other animals native to the Galapagos Islands and the Amazon, the pride and joy of the Ecuadorian culture. He also altered the style of the church to blend in with the Spanish style of the city’s Old Town, which has been declared a UNESCO World Heritage since 1978.

After paying our admission, we wandered through the main floor of the basilica, admiring the colorful stained glass windows, bronze and wooden doors, artfully tiled floors, religious artwork and statues, vaulted ceilings and wooden confessionals. There were many side chapels and altars as well as the tombs of Gabriel Garcia Moreno, the former president of Ecuador and former Archbishop, Jose Ignazio Checa Barba.

As we stared appreciatively at the giant rose window at the far end of the basilica, we noticed people congregated in the gallery beneath the window. Searching for a stairway leading to this area, we found ourselves outside in a large, stone courtyard. Asking around, we finally determined that we needed to visit the ticket window in the courtyard to pay for access to the upper level, including the towers.

Finally, making our way up the stairs, we first stood upon the gallery which offered a magnificent view of the church below and a close-up view of the stained glass windows, including the stunning rose window. Stepping out a few feet within an opening we were also able to see parts of the the exterior of the basilica, as well as the flying buttresses and close-ups of some of the stone animals that decorate the exterior. Continuing our ascent, we made our way past the cafe and entered the clock tower. A fascinating space, we were able to inspect the inner workings of the massive clocks and old pictures of the construction of the basilica that decorated the tops of the walls. Here, we also had spectacular views of the city as well as the basilica’s other tower.

On the other tower, we could see movement and discovered that there were visitors making their way up and throughout the structure. We had not seen a walkway or any other point of access that would lead to this tower. Stepping into the gift shop, we discovered that on the other side of this shop, there was an entrance to the Condor Tower. It was a rather scary, narrow plank walkway leading across the basilica above the vaulted ceiling. A little apprehensive, we cautiously made our way to the other side and up the narrow ladder to the outer platform. Walking around the tower, we found the narrow stairs leading up to the top of the tower. Waiting our turn, as their was only room for one person moving up or down, I gathered my courage and made the steep climb. Not normally scared of heights, I could appreciate the spectacular view of the church’s roof and clock towers, but as I stood there, I thought about the instability of the area. What if an earthquake suddenly shook Quito? We took a quick couple of photos together, but I honestly couldn’t make the climb back down and over the walkway back to the main structure fast enough!

The Basilica del Voto Nacional is a breathtaking landmark for the churchgoers that call it home and for the thousands of tourists that visit to regard its beauty each year. Representing the breathtaking architecture found throughout the country it is both alluring and a welcoming respite for those seeking to pray and pay respects. It is important to allow at least two hours to fully appreciate all aspects of the church, especially the climbs into the towers. Though a bit daunting to some, making the ascent to see the views of the city landscape and El Panecillo between the spires is one you will never forget.

For more pictures, check out Facebook, Snapping the Globe and Instagram, @snappingtheglobe.

Basilica del Voto Nacional Quito

  • Address: Carchi 122 y Venezuela., Quito, Pichincha 170150
  • Hours: 0900-1700, daily
  • Admission: Church admission, $2.00 US, Tower admission, $2.00

The Virgin of Quito

© 2020 Snapping the Globe, L.L.C. All rights reserved.

As we drove through the darkened streets of Quito toward our hotel, it was as if a ray of sunshine cast itself through the nighttime skies down on Panecillo hill.

Fittingly, before the Spanish arrived, the Incas used this hill as a place to worship the sun. At night, it is lighted so that it is visible for the entire city to see and is the location of an icon that is worshiped by millions.

The Blessed Virgin.

Commissioned in 1976, by the religious order of the Oblates, the statue was designed by Spanish artist Agustín de la Herrán Matorras. The statue, which is 134 1/2 feet high, is made up of seven thousand pieces of aluminum, which reflects the light of the day and continually makes itself known, high above the city.

After seeing this amazing statue from afar, upon our late night arrival, I knew that I had to see it up close. Taking an Uber through the winding streets that led up to the top of Panecillo hill, I gasped at the enormity of the statue as we pulled into the parking lot.

As I stood beneath her, I took note that she is much like other classic virgin statues, stepping on a snake while standing atop a globe. What makes this virgin less like others, however, is her angelic wings and the fact that her posture gives the impression of a dancer, much like the Virgen de Quito sculpted by Bernardo de Legarda in 1734 and on display in the Church of St. Francis.

The hill upon which the Virgin stands offers amazing 360 degree views of the surrounding city and mountainous areas beyond on clear days and we noticed many people here relishing the views as well as purchasing souvenirs and food at the many kiosks that surround the area.

Entering the Virgin statue, we paid the entry fee and proceeded to climb the stairs to the three levels which present religious icons, artwork and beautiful stained glass windows. Upon reaching the uppermost level, it was possible to see the innards of the statue…a fascinating glimpse at how the largest of this kind of monument was put together.

Making our way down and to the exterior, we admired the statue from the different levels of the landscape, appreciating how the late afternoon sun illuminated it so beautifully.

While a trip to the top of Panecillo Hill is a relatively easy one with the large availability of taxis and Ubers, it might be tempting to make the uphill hike through the neighborhoods below, especially if you are in the downtown Quito area. Be cautious as we were warned of vicious neighborhood dogs and muggings that haunt the inclined area. It should be known, as well, that cell service was not very good at the top of the hill and we luckily found a taxi before attempting to make the downhill hike. Nevertheless, a visit to the Virgin of Panecillo is one that all visitors to Quito should make to appreciate its artistry.

For more pictures, check out Facebook, Snapping the Globe and Instagram, @snappingtheglobe.

El Panecillo

  • Address: El Panecillo, Quito EC170111, Ecuador
  • Hours: Monday through Friday, 0900-1800, Saturday and Sunday, 0900-1700
  • Admission: $1 to enter premises, $2 to enter statue
  • Getting There: Taxi or Uber, about $3-4 each way from the center of downtown

A View From the Top

© 2020 Snapping the Globe, L.L.C. All rights reserved.

Cotopaxi, Ecuador’s second highest peak.

19,347 feet.

We didn’t go there.

When looking for interesting tours and things to do on our visit to Quito, we considered Cotopaxi, but I was concerned about the altitude, even for the tours that only ascended halfway. After our experience in Cuzco the year before at 11,200 feet, where we took altitude medication and I experienced shortness of breath, I wasn’t sure it was something that I was ready for on this trip.

For a view of the city, we decided to head to the TeleferiQo, one of the primary tourist attractions. Opened in July 2005, this gondola, is one of the world’s highest aerial lifts, taking passengers on a 2.5 kilometer ride from the edge of the city up the eastern side of Pichincha volcano to the Cruz Loma lookout. And…for those who know that Spanish name for gondola is teleférico, the ride’s official name is a combination of “teleférico” and “Quito”…TeleferiQo! Don’t you love that?

Since I had not done much research on this attraction, we were surprised to find what a long ride to the top it was and how high we actually ascended.

Exiting the tram, after almost eighteen minutes, and making our way around the lookout area, we were amazed at the views of the surrounding volcanoes and mountains. Most of all, we could not believe we were at an altitude of 13,451 feet! Much higher than Cuzco!

Taken aback, I began to worry about the respiratory issues I had in Cuzco and immediately thought that we should take the gondola back down. My husband, however, persuaded me to take a walk around and see where the numerous paths would lead.

Thank goodness he did!

After taking in the sweeping views of the nearby mountains and volcanoes, we made our way along one of the paths leading to the Ermita de la Dolorosa, a small chapel, dedicated to Our Lady of Sorrows, which boasts that it is one of the closest to the sky.

Moving on, we followed the narrow, dusty path upwards to the start of the trail to Rucu Pichincha. Though we were not planning on hiking the five hour journey to that summit at 15,000 feet, there was much to see from the many overlooks in the area.

Along the way, I encountered a gentleman with both an alpaca and a llama offering the opportunity to take a picture with them. Donning the hat and poncho he draped me in, I held on and stood between the two animals. My two new amigos and I looked great against the beautiful blue sky and golden Ecuadorian landscape.

A short walk away, we encountered a set of swings. A little daunting, as it is located on the edge of a cliff, you almost feel as though you are going to fly off the mountain. Once you get used to the feeling of swinging so high over the city, your inner child takes over and it’s quite exhilarating!

The path continued a little further to for those desiring to hike or rent horses to continue on to Rucu Pinchincha. Here, we took in the different perspectives while zipping up to protect ourselves from the wind and dropping temperature of the waning afternoon.

Heading back down to the restaurant, we decided to take a break, have a snack and a beer and warm up before taking the 18 minute ride back to the teleférico’s base.

For all of the excitement of realizing that we had made it up so high in Quito, the adventure was enlightening. Had I realized that we were trying to ascend to such a high altitude, heck, maybe I wouldn’t have tried it. After the fact, however, I realized how little effect the altitude had on me and we probably could have gone to Cotopaxi. Nevertheless, our exploits on the volcano’s eastern slope were quite memorable!

If you are planning a trip to the TeleferiQo there are a few things to consider.

Mornings are considered the optimum time to visit as clouds tend to congregate on the summit later in the day. We were lucky and had a clear afternoon, however.

When purchasing tickets, a photo ID must be presented and the ticket stub retained for the return trip as it serves as a built-in alert system in case hikers do not return when expected.

Dress warmly and in layers as it gets colder and windy at the high altitude.

Stay hydrated.

Be aware of the signs of altitude sickness which may present itself, even at the Cruz Loma lookout, to those who are susceptible.

Acclimate in Quito for a couple of days before attempting to hike to Rucu Pichincha. The hike can be done alone or with a qualified guide. You can also hire horses ($15 per hour).

Weekends tend to be quite busy.

For those with children, a stop at the Vulcan amusement park at the base of the teleférico is a must!

For more pictures, check out Facebook, Snapping the Globe an Instagram, @snappingtheglobe.


  • Address: Off Avenue Occidental, Taxi is 3 Easiest, Quito, Pinchincha 17050  
  • Hours: Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, 0900-2000, Friday, Saturday, Sunday and Monday, 0800-2000
  • Admission: Adults, $8.50, Children under 18 years, $7.00, Senior citizens, $6.50, Fast Pass, $11.00. Discounted rates for Ecuadorian citizens with identification.
  • Getting There: By car, take the Av. Occidental (Mariscal Sucre) in North-South sense (towards the Tunnels). At a distance of approximately 3-4 minutes from Av. Mariana de Jesús, the entrance is at the height of the neighborhood “La Comuna”. You will go up a street until you reach the parking lot of the Telefériqo or take José Berrutieta Street, which can be accessed by Gasca Street at the intersection with Ritter Street. Upon entering José Berrutieta Street, you will reach the intersection with Antonio Herrera Street. You must continue along José Berrutieta street, go under a bridge and take Fulgencio Araujo street. Then you take the uphill street where you can see signs of the Telefériqo until you reach the parking lots. Parking rates are $2.50 per hour or fraction. By bus, Mitad del Mundo bus runs throughout the Av. Occidental (Mariscal Sucre). City buses have two lines, one departing from Miraflores, it can be taken at the Hospital del Seguro or at the Miraflores round and the other departure from the Panecillo and can be taken at any stop in the Tunnels (San Juan, San Roque or San Diego). By Uber or taxi, approximate cost $5.00 from Marisol Sucre.

The Real Middle

© 2020 Snapping the Globe, L.L.C. All rights reserved.

Global Positioning System was introduced in the 1970’s. With this launch, it was determined that the Equator line in Quito, Ecuador was not where originally thought after the eighteenth century Franco-Spanish Geodesic Mission first determined its location.

That’s a big problem, especially when the city invested millions of dollars to build a tourist attraction so that tourists could photograph themselves straddling the imaginary line, marked with yellow, which divides the globe into the northern and southern hemispheres!

Visiting Mitad del Mundo first, we understood the complexity of the situation but took it all in stride. After all, the entire complex was quite charming and entertaining and we could have stayed for much longer if we would have had the time.

After a bit of research, I had found that the Intinan Solar Museum was located a short distance from Mitad del Mundo’s entrance gates and was highly recommended from past visitors.

Guiding my husband along the sidewalk and following the marked location on my iPhone map app, we took a turn onto a gravel drive leading uphill. There didn’t appear to be much here aside from a couple of rundown buildings and the occasional vehicle that passed us by, stirring up the dust on the roadway. My husband, a little skeptical, insisted we turn back, even though a sign at the main road had pointed the way. I, ever the adventurer, insisted we keep going.

Soon, cresting the hill (and much to my husband’s relief), we found the raised walkway leading to the entrance built into the hillside. Greeted by one of the workers, we were directed to the ticket booth and instructed to wait until an English speaking guide became available.

The whole complex was fairly small but well appointed with Ecuadorian decor including totem poles that were gifted by other countries and re-creations of cultural villages. As we waited, we inspected the gift shops and grabbed some water from the restaurant.

Our guide soon introduced himself and began his job of escorting us through the village explaining its history and offering a look into Ecuadorian life through exhibits showing daily life including homes, tools and dioramas. Authentic items displayed included a shrunken head, a stuffed anaconda and a burial chamber with a re-created mummy. A demonstration of how chocolate is made from its cacao beginnings was quite compelling, especially when we were offered delicious samples.

The best part of the complex was the interactive demonstrations which took place on the Equator line, marked in red, running through the entire village. These presentations depicted the pull of the equator’s force…trying to walk the equator line with my eyes closed (unsuccessfully, of course), balancing an egg on a nail and draining a basin on the equator line and in both hemispheres. Many reviews refer to these as parlor tricks, but I guess I am quite gullible…I thought they were quite believable, though I could never balance that egg on the nail!

Water drains straight down on the equator line
Water drains clockwise in the southern hemisphere
Water drains counterclockwise in the northern hemisphere

Our entire visit lasted about an hour but was time well spent. Although both equator sites were vastly different, we enjoyed our time at each and I would recommend that anyone visiting Quito make time in their day for a visit to both sites.

But, if someone insisted that I pick a favorite…

The Intinan Solar Museum, by a mile! I loved it for its more intimate feel and the personalized experience we received there.

Visit both and make up your own mind!

For more pictures, check out Facebook, Snapping the Globe and Instagram, @snappingtheglobe.

Intinan Solar Museum

The Middle of the World

© 2020 Snapping the Globe, L.L.C. All rights reserved.

Passport junkie.

That’s me. A person who wants to fill their passport with as many stamps from as many countries that they can.

This summer, I had done quite a bit of traveling with my family, however, even though we had visited cities to which I had never been, it was to countries that I had already marked off my map.

Scouring airline routes for a new country to visit, I decided that my husband and I could make it down to Quito, Ecuador, somewhere neither of us had ever traveled to, without a lot of fanfare or time off of his schedule.

Arriving late at night, the sky was dark and foggy and their wasn’t much to see at the airport or on our taxi ride to our hotel in the downtown area. So, it suffices to say that I was up early and eager to see what Quito had to offer.

One of the most popular attractions in Quito is the Equator. Yes…that imaginary line that runs through the center of our globe and what Quito is named for. If there was nothing else that we would see, this had to be it!

So you ask…if it’s imaginary, how would we find it?

Uber, of course!

Journeying via Uber for a few miles from the downtown area, our destination was Ciudad Mitad del Mundo (Middle of the World City), the location of where the monument to the equator has been built. Though is is touted that this is the exact location of the equator, as was determined by the eighteenth century Franco-Spanish Geodesic Mission, the World Geodetic System, used in modern GPS systems, actually shows that the equator actually lies about 240 meters north of the marked line.


No matter, we would visit this Disney-esque like park and then head to the real Equator location at the Intinan Solar Museum afterward.

Mitad del Mundo Entrance and Ticket Booth

Passing through the entrance, we headed through the well-manicured grounds to the pyramidal monument which dominates the park’s skyline. Each side faces a cardinal direction and the monument is topped with a globe. Naturally, the first thing we (as all other tourists) did was to straddle the yellow “equator” line in front of the monument. For a moment, my husband was in the northern hemisphere and I was in the south…yet only a few inches away from each other!

How cool is that?

We ventured into the monument to visit the small museum that offers insight into the Ecuadorian culture as well as information about the equator and the history of Mitad del Mundo. Working our way through each level, we finally, found ourselves at the top which offers a viewing platform and amazing perspectives of the property and the city and mountains beyond.

Making our way throughout the property, we found it to be quite vast and offering many attractions, including shopping and restaurants along a small colonial square, a llama farm, beer and cocoa museums, a planetarium and replications of ancestral housing. There are three cultural museums, the Ecuadorian Pavilion which offers a look at pre-Columbian art to inform of the history of Ecuador, the France Pavilion, a two-storied space which offers insight into the main contributions provided by the First and Second French Geodetic Mission and the Guayasamin Pavilion where you can appreciate the works of Ecuadorian painter and sculptor Oswaldo Guayasamin, who fought for the rights of the indigenous people. The Cultural Square hosts cultural events on most weekends and there is a small train station which provides transportation throughout the park with commentary emphasizing the history of the park.

Ancestral Housing Replicas

My favorite thing (besides dining on delicious empanadas) was our visit to the chapel modeled after the many churches that dominate the center of Quito. Ascending the bell tower, we had a beautiful view of the monument and the square below, I immediately focused in on this sign.

Oh, yes! I’ve always wanted to ring a church bell!

Descending back into and out of the church, we made our way, next door, to the Virgin’s Museum which highlights the most important Virgins celebrated and worshiped around the world. Just down the street, there was a small grotto, which gives patrons a chance to give thanks and praise to the most important Virgin, the Blessed Virgin Mary.

Although, it would have been easy to spend the greater part of a day here at Ciudad Mitad del Mundo, our itinerary was packed with many of Quito’s attractions and it was time to move on.

Petting the llamas would have to wait until next time!

For more pictures, check out Facebook, Snapping the Globe and Instagram, @snappingtheglobe.

Mitad Del Mundo

  • Address: Manuel Cordova Galarza Km. 13, 5 SN, Quito, Ecuador
  • Hours: 0900-1800, daily
  • Admission: Adults, $5.00, Children (ages 5-12), $2.50, Seniors and Disabled, $2.50, Children under 5, free
  • Getting There: Uber, from the Hilton, about $13.00 US. Quito Tour Bus, $30.00 per Adult, $20.00, reduced fare, departing from the Boulevard of the United Nations. The Mitad del Mundo bus ($.40 per person, adult, $.20 reduced) which runs along the Occidental Avenue (North-South). Buses run approximately every 5 minutes. Taxi rates vary from various parts of the city and arrangements can be made from most hotels for driver to wait for return or transport to other locations throughout the city.