A Tale of Two Chinatowns

© 2019 Snapping the Globe, L.L.C. All rights reserved.

Just how many Chinatowns are there in the world?

Having visited a large number of these districts on our globe, I have to say that when I searched for this information, I was surprised by how many exist.

Following the defeat by Britain in the first Opium War, in the mid-1840’s, a series of natural catastrophes, famine, uprisings and rebellions ensued in China. Thousands of Chinese left their homes in the search for opportunity in near and far away lands and many arrived on the west coast of the United States when news of the gold rush gave them hope for a better life.

Historically, the Chinatowns located in the United States have been located in larger cities such as New York City, Seattle, Boston, Philadelphia, Chicago and Los Angeles with one of the most famous in San Francisco. There are, however, many Chinatowns in other countries as well, including Argentina, Cuba, Mexico, Peru, Canada, Mauritius, South Africa, India, Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, Japan, Malaysia, Myanmar, Pakistan, Philippines, Singapore, South Korea, Thailand, Vietnam, Belgium, France, Italy, Netherlands, United Kingdom, Australia.

I have visited quite a few on the list and they are all quite different.

Recently, I had the pleasure of accompanying my son to San Francisco on his Spring Break trip. It had been many years since my last visit to the Golden Gate City, but the first thing I wanted to show him was Chinatown. As we approached the Dragon Gate on Grant Avenue, I was quite excited to see what changes the enclave had gone through over the years.

The Dragon Gate was given to the city by the Republic of China and is inscribed with a message from the President of the Republic of China. Though I have seen bigger and more elaborate gates, I love this one for its simplicity and park-like feel. As we walked through the gate onto into the streets filled with antiques, souvenir shops, bakeries, restaurants and artwork, the familiarity returned and I remembered my first trip to San Francisco, before I began to travel the world, when I felt as though I had really entered another country.

Making our way up Grant Street, criss-crossed above with red Chinese paper lanterns, I marveled at the architecture, street art and signage. There are many notable buildings within Chinatown, including the Sing Chong Building (the most photographed piece of architecture in the area), the Bank of Canton (the Old Telephone Exchange), the Tien Hau Temple (the oldest Taoist Temple, founded in 1852), Old St. Mary’s Church (oldest cathedral in California and built by Chinese laborers) and many other culturally inspired structures, including ones on the notorious Waverly Place, an alleyway that has been used in many films and holds the first U.S. Post Office established in San Francisco.

Sing Chong Building
Bank of Canton
Tien Hau Temple
Old St. Mary’s Church
Waverly Place

The street art is some of the finest I have seen in the world and it’s advisable to duck into small streets and alleyways…you never know what you may find!

One thing that I regret missing out on, however, was a visit to the Golden Gate Fortune Cookie Factory. Having always been fascinated by the sweet cookies that are consumed after a Chinese meal, I thought it would be an interesting place to see how the cookies are made and to bring home a few to my family. Hard to find in a small alley, we passed it by, finally realizing when it was too late and time was slipping by quickly. Nevertheless, I will save this for another trip!

As the dinner hour approached, we later returned to Chinatown for an authentic meal, mesmerized by the swaying lanterns now lit for the darkened skies above the now quiet streets.

Visiting San Francisco’s Chinatown was such an enlightening experience, that when I visited Milan a couple of weeks later, I decided that I should check out the Italian version.

The day was just as brilliant as when I visited San Francisco and I looked forward to seeing how the two city’s Chinatowns compared.

Turning onto the pedestrian friendly, Via Paolo Sarpi, my interest was piqued and I glanced around hoping to spot a Chinese gate or inspiring Chinese architecture. Instead, what I found was what looked like a typical Italian street halfheartedly attempting to disguise itself as a Chinatown. Sure, there were the occasional signs which lend to the Asian perception and the intermittent paper lantern fluttering in the wind, but the over feeling is well…Italian…disappointing. Don’t get me wrong, I love Italian architecture, I was was just hoping for something much different. Try as I might, I just didn’t get the same warm and fuzzy feeling that I got when I visited San Francisco’s Chinatown.

The Chinese that reside here date back to the 1920’s and came from the Zhejiang region near Shanghai to work in the silk industry. Their descendants remained here, set up shop and offer a wide range of services and products, including 150 boutiques selling Oriental products, traditional tea shops and the large Kathay, the biggest store for ethnic food in Italy. It was here that I finally felt as though I was experiencing the true cultural phenomenon. As I browsed the shelves of authentic products, I found something that I had loved when visiting Hong Kong…sesame peanut brittle. Purchasing a small box, I secured a place on a bench surrounded by a floral shop and ate it slowly watching the activity on the street.

Finally, I walked around some of the side streets, hoping to find what I thought the neighborhood was lacking. Still confused, I thought, maybe if I had dinner here at one of the many restaurants, I could be swayed in my disappointing assessment.

Glancing around at the choices…I decided…

“Nah, I’d rather go have a pizza”.

For more pictures, check out Facebook, Snapping the Globe and Instagram, @snappingtheglobe.

Chinatown San Francisco

  • http://www.sanfranciscochinatown.com/
  • Getting There: From Fisherman’s Wharf area, take the cable car to Chinatown. There are two locations for cable cars near Fisherman’s Wharf. The Powell-Hyde line (PH) and the Powell-Mason line (PM). The PH line is located near Ghiradelli Square at Beach and Hyde Street. The PM line is located at Bay and Taylor Street. Both lines intersect each other. Best place to get off is Washington & Mason (near Cable Car Museum) or Powell & California. Walk down a few blocks and you will be in Chinatown. From BART, take BART to Downtown San Francisco (exit Powell Street Station), then go above ground and transfer to 30 Stockton, 45 Union-Stockton, or cable car to Chinatown. B

Chinatown Milan

Never To Be, Napoleon

© 2019 Snapping the Globe, L.L.C. All rights reserved.

Recently, while in Barcelona, I visited the Arc de Triomf. Only one of many triumphal arches I have visited over the years, I decided that I would make a point of visiting any and all that were present in the cities that I would currently be in.

Having seen the Arco della Pace in Milan a few years ago for a few brief moments as I was making my way to the Castle Sforza, I recently decided to make an official visit.

Arco della Pace or “Arch of Peace” is located in the Parco Sempione, directly opposite the famous Castello Sforzesco. Built under Napoleon’s rule, it is one of Milan’s many city gates and was built in the style of Paris’ Arc du Triomphe. Napoleon’s intention was that he could pass through the arch on his way into Milan as he traveled from Paris.

Built between the years of 1807 and 1838, it was constructed from many materials, including marble, bronze and stucco. Architect, Luigi Cagnola was commissioned to construct the neoclassical structure and added bas-reliefs, Corinthian columns, and statues including a bronze effigy of a Goddess led by four horses. Under the statue, which tops the arch, there is an inscription that reads Sestina della Pace (poem by peace). The names of the fallen of World War II are inscribed above the arch and at the side of the Arch, above the columns, there are two plates with the names of the fallen of the Great War and at the center there is a large slab dedicated to Victor Emanuel II. This slab is bordered by two bas-reliefs depicting two soldiers.

While the decoration of the arch initially intended to document Napoleon’s victories and originally named the Victory Arch, the conquering of the Napoleonic Kingdom of Italy by the Austrian Empire put an end to the idea. Eventually, under the rule of Emperor Francis II, the monument was decorated with scenes from the Battle of Leipzig, which ironically, led to Napoleon’s defeat.

The historical arch, one of the most familiar landmarks in the city is a common meeting point and area where locals gather to relax and enjoy the spaciousness of the Piazza Sempione and Milan’s largest park. Children can be spotted running and playing and adults exercising or enjoying an aperitif or a snack.

The arch’s base is enclosed by a metal chain, hindering visitors from walking through and lingering under the arch. There is no security presence, however, so I believe, the barrier is more of a deterrence to keep the homeless from using the space as a shelter. There are some beautiful motifs and carvings inside of the three arches that are worth taking a better look, so if you feel comfortable stepping over the chain, go for it!

There are many nightclubs and restaurants in the area as well as Milan’s own Chinatown, so grab a seat and admire the beauty of this historical triumphal arch and then take a short walk to enjoy the offerings of the area.

In my quest to see all of the world’s triumphal arches, today I achieved part of my goal.

Quite the triumph!

Now…how many more are there? Stay tuned!

For more pictures, check out Facebook, Snapping the Globe or Instagram, @snappingtheglobe.

Arco della Pace

  • Address: Piazza Sempione, 20154 Milano MI, Italy
  • Hours: 24 hours, daily
  • Admission: free
  • Getting There: Metro, Line 2, Moscova or Line 1, Cairoli and walk through Castle straight through park to Arch.

St. Peter’s In the Golden Sky

© 2019 Snapping the Globe, L.L.C. All rights reserved.

Churches in Pavia?

There are so many.

While planning my trip to the city, south of Milan, the Duomo was at the top of my list, but being in Italy, certainly there would be other churches to visit.

As I googled “churches in Pavia” the resulting map was a sea of red icons. I marked them all on my map and hoped to visit at least two or three.

After viewing the Duomo’s splendor, I decided to walk north towards the Visconti Castle which houses the City Museums of Pavia. As the sun was edging lower in the evening sky, casting a golden glow over the city, I realized that the castle would have to wait until a future visit, but I also wanted to squeeze in one more thing before I headed back to Milan.

A church perhaps?

San Pietro in Ciel d’Oro, located a few blocks away, was the perfect choice as its Italian name translates to St. Peter’s In the Golden Sky…very fitting as I watched the sinking sun light the remains of the azure sky.

Trying to follow the map on my phone, I must have walked past the church a couple of times. It was a local woman, out for a walk, who finally pointed me in the right direction…the unassuming church, with its brick facade, is tucked away in a corner of a small, shady piazza.

Walking into the dimly lit interior, I noticed there was not another soul in sight except for an elderly priest attending his duties near the the front of the church. The ancient atmosphere of the basilica was mesmerizing and as I made my way through the interior and its three naves, I discovered the remains of a twelfth century mosaic in the apse as well as traces of frescoes from the fifteenth and sixteenth century.

Though the basilica dates back to the year 604 AD, the current building, only dates to the twelfth century and was consecrated by Pope Innocent II in 1132. Its grand dome in the central nave was rebuilt in 1487 and I learned from the priest that the original color of the wooden ceiling was decorated with golden colored paint, thus giving it its name.

The priest directed me into the crypt under the presbytery, which houses the remains of Severino Boezio, consul, senator and philosopher and I enjoyed making my way through the low, vaulted space. The presbytery itself, however, is the highlight of the church and what made me glad that I sought out this architectural gem. It is here that the fourteenth century marble Ark of St. Augustine is on display…the centerpiece for which this church is most notable. The Ark is decorated with scenes from the saint’s life (including his conversion, baptism, miracles after his death and the transfer of his relics to Pavia) and it is the silver urn at the foot of the Ark that houses his relics.

Another highlight of the basilica is the sacristy with its ribbed vault, sixteenth century adornments and a seventeenth century canvas of St. Augustine and St. Jerome. There are also two beautiful altars, one sculpted in 1940 and dedicated to St. Rita and the other dedicated to the Sacred Heart, dating to 1963.

Noticing the priest standing near the door, I knew that it was time to call it a day. Thanking him, I headed out into the now darkening evening and my waiting train.

Elated that I was able to visit two of the city’s holy sites and especially one with such significance. I opened up my map and marked off the two, only to realize that I’ll have to make many more trips to Pavia!

For more pictures, check out Facebook, Snapping the Globe and Instagram, @snappingtheglobe.

Basilica di San Pietro in Ciel d’Oro

Pavia’s Pride

© 2019 Snapping the Globe, L.L.C. All rights reserved.

In the center of Pavia lies…the Duomo!

Yes, Pavia has its own.

Not a Duomo that can match the size and beauty of Milan’s, but one that fits the small scale of Pavia.

Built on the site of two pre-existing cathedrals, Saint Stephen and Santa Maria Maria del Popolo, Pavia’s cathedral was established in 1488 with the idea of offering a new place of worship to the city. Named after Saint Stephen, construction was initiated by Cristoforo Rocchi and later, Giovanni Antonio Amadeo, but most notably, Leonardi Da Vinci’s advice was also solicited on the project.

Knowing that there were many churches in Pavia, it was the one located in Cathedral Square that I most wanted to see. As I approached the square and spied the dome of the duomo, I must admit, it was a bit disappointing. When one hears the word duomo, one expects great things, like you would see in Milan. The facade, however, has largely remained incomplete with the terracotta surface still untouched by the marble in which it was supposed to be covered. Realizing that it was built over several centuries (resulting in a number of different influences) made me even more anxious to see what was inside.

Before entering, I spotted the remains next to the cathedral, the remains of the Civic Tower (Torre Civica), built in 1330 and enlarged in 1583. After standing proudly beside the cathedral for so many hundreds of years, the tower collapsed on March 17, 1989. To the left of the duomo, the remains of the two original churches can be seen in a fenced area.

Entering the structure, we found a much larger-than-expected cathedral consisting of a design of a Greek cross, topped with a dome designed by Carlo Maciachini. It is most interesting to note that this dome, held up by uniquely styled pillars, is the third largest in size in Italy.

At first glance, the far-reaching church’s marble interior appears to be quite plain, especially in the dim natural light. It is when you begin moving around the structure’s interior that you begin to notice the immense detail and treasures that lie tucked into each unique chapel that line the church’s perimeter and discover how light and airy the cathedral actually feels. Though it is tempting to head to the center of the church and examine the immense dome, and then the illuminated presbytery, take a deep breath and give yourself the time this grand structure deserves.

The main marble altar, with its eighteenth century top, was brought from the church of San Pietro in Ciel d’Oro. It draws you in with its intricately carved statues. The beautiful pulpit must be inspected thoroughly with its lifelike figures supporting the structure. It is truly amazing!

Making your way around to each of the chapels, there is much to discover in each. In St. Agnes’s chapel, there is a nineteenth century altarpiece representing a young version of the saint, lifting over her head, her symbol, the lamb. Another altarpiece, this one with the Virgin Mary, can be found in the aptly named, Virgin’s Chapel. Painted in Rome by Federico Faruffini, it depicts the Virgin with the city of Pavia at her feet. Beside the altar, there are statues of her parents Gioacchina and Anna as well as the remains of the bishop of Pavia, Damian.

In St. Peter’s Chapel, take note of the two symmetrical stones which show the saint’s coat of arms and his portrait and the cock on the left of the altarpiece which refers to St. Peter’s treason.

On the altar of St. Alessandro Sauli’s chapel, you can spy a stone urn, that holds the saint’s relics inside as well as plaster flying angels on clouds. The Chapel of the Rosary has a most interesting painting on canvas by Bernardino Gatti called Soiaro, created in 1531. Representing the Virgin of Rosary, there are stories about the Mysteries; fourteen of which must be read counterclockwise and the fifteen with the Coronation of the Virgin on the crowning tablet.

In the chapel of St. John the Baptist, a painting of the saint in the desert is flanked by statues of his parents, Elisabetta and Zaccaria. Under the altar is the body of St. Invenzio.

There are many other chapels to inspect including the Chapel of the Virgin of Caravaggio, the Chapel of Intercession, Sfondrati’s Chapel, the Crucifix’s Chapel, St. Crispino’s Chapel, St. Riccardo Pampuri’s Chapel, Trinity Chapel, St. Barnaba’s Chapel, St. Siro’s Chapel, the Chapel of the Sacred Heart and the Chapel of the Holy Family.

As you make your way around the cathedral, you will notice there are many notable figures and many past bishops, buried within and marked with engraved marble slabs. The most important person to be buried within the cathedral is St. Siro (in St. Siro’s Chapel). St. Siro is known to have been the first bishop of Pavia during the first century. According to legend, it was St. Siro who was the boy with the five loaves who appears in the Gospels. It is said that he followed St. Peter to Rome and was sent out to preach in the major cities of northern Italy.

The other most important item that should not be missed is the seventeenth century reliquary which holds the Holy Thorns which came from Christ’s crown. On Whit Sunday, an ancient mechanism allows the descent of the precious relics over a golden cloud to descend and go back up the following day.

Now that’s something I would like to see!

Exiting the cathedral and looking out onto the square, I thought of my first impression of Pavia’s duomo when I arrived. Turning back and taking another look, I realized something…

First impressions can be so deceiving.

Pavia’s duomo measures up in its own way!

For more pictures, check out Facebook, Snapping the Globe and Instagram, @snappingtheglobe.

Pavia Duomo

Note: Check out the Regisole (“Sun King”) monument in Cathedral Square outside the Duomo. Originally erected in Ravenna, it was moved to Pavia in the Middle Ages and stands for Pavia’s deep connection with imperial Rome.

The Old Covered Bridge

© 2019 Snapping the Globe, L.L.C. All rights reserved.

Why did the pedestrian cross the river?

To check out the beautiful covered bridge.

Okay, so that’s not how the old joke goes, but when one sees a beautiful covered bridge, one must absolutely take a walk to the other side!

Having decided to take some side trips from Milan lately, I ventured out to the town of Pavia on the advice of a friend. Marking a few items of interest on my map, the first one I wanted to see was the Ponte Coperto (the Covered Bridge), also called the Ponte Vecchio (the Old Bridge).

The structure is a brick and stone arch bridge which crosses the Ticino River and replaces the previous medieval bridge, dating from 1354 (with an even older Roman one preceding it). When the previous bridge was damaged during the war in 1945, repair was considered until the structure partially collapsed a couple of years later.

The new bridge’s design was based on the previous bridge and was begun in 1949, incorporating one difference and one similarity. The previous bridge contained seven arches and the current one contains only five, however, like its predecessor, it contains a chapel in the center.

The Ponte Coperto connects the suburbs, the traditional place of washerwomen, gravel quarrymen and fisherman, to the city’s center and there were many pedestrians crossing the bridge as I made my way to the other side.

Peeking inside the chapel at the altar, devoted to St. Giovanni Nepomuceno, patron of drowned men, I also paid particular attention to the vaulted wood ceiling above. In the center of the bridge, I stopped to examine the remains of the ancient Roman bridge ruins which sit in the rushing water of the Ticino.

So what did I do after I made my way to the other side?

I went back!

There’s lots more to see in Pavia!

For more pictures, check out Facebook, Snapping the Globe and Instagram, @snappingtheglobe.

Ponte Coperto

  • http://www.comune.pv.it/site/home.html
  • Address: 27100 Pavia, Province of Pavia, Italy
  • Hours: daily, 24 hours
  • Admission: free
  • Getting There: About a 12-15 minute walk from the Pavia train station

Age-old Commerce

© 2018 Snapping the Globe, L.L.C. All rights reserved.

Shop til you drop?

Even the Romans did it a couple of thousand years ago!

With so many things to visit in the Colosseum area, it was a hard decision as to what my destination would be on the warm, sunny day…

The Colosseum?

The Forum?

The Palatine?

The Altare della Patria?

I hadn’t been shopping lately…maybe it was a good day to see the place believed to be the first shopping mall ever constructed.

The Trajan Market.

Today, the arcades in Trajan’s Market are known to not only have housed shopping but administrative offices for Emperor Trajan after its inauguration in 113 A.D.  The complex included a covered market, small shop fronts and a residential apartment block.  The structure comprised three levels, built into the adjacent hillside, with the ground level including alcoves used for small shops which opened onto the street.

Looking for a “Trajan Market” sign (or the Italian equivalent) marking the entrance, I must have walked past the actual entrance three or four times before I realized that the Museum of the Imperial Fora was where I needed to be.

The multilevel structure, opened in 2007, is a fascinating place filled with artifacts from all of ancient Rome’s forums and fills the space where the ancient mall once operated.  The former shopping area was spread out on two different sides of the complex and the elegant marble floors and the remains of a library are still visible.  The primary products sold at the market would have come from across the empire and included fruit, vegetables, fish, wine, oil and spices.

The name of the street on the upper level of the Market, Biberatica, gives a clue to what may have occupied the spaces here.  The Latin word, biber, meaning drink gives rise to the notion that various drinking establishments were available to serve the market shoppers.  This area was covered by a concrete vault which allowed air and light into the central space and the intricate brickwork is fascinating, both in its construction and the fact that it still remains almost flawless…as it was the day it was erected.

Walking to the far end of the building, I utilized the stairway and headed to the courtyard on the side of the market.  Here, current exhibitions are on display and I was pleasantly surprised to discover The Spiral, an installation designed by artist Luminita Taranu, inspired by the Trajan’s Column.  I loved the colorful hues and metals used in the creation of this masterpiece…and I loved the photo opportunities it presented!

Finally, I moved into the open rear area, entering the large halls, once probably used for auditions and concerts.  As I walked through the smaller, concrete and brick spaces, I found some of the 170 total rooms empty and some housing information on the ancient marketplace.

Still, the most impressive part of the the complex was standing out on the top of the semicircular balcony, looking out over the ruins, including the Torre delle Milizie, built in 1200, and the neighboring Forum and Altare della Patria.


Walking back through the interior part of the compound, I took more time to inspect the intricacies of the construction and the pieces that occupied its interior.

No great sales were found, but I can say, it was a great deal to experience firsthand, what it must have been like to shop this extraordinary venue almost two thousand years ago.

For more pictures, check out Facebook, Snapping the Globe and Instagram, @snappingtheglobe.

Trajan Market and Museum of the Imperial Forums

  • http://www.mercatiditraiano.it/
  • Address:  Via Quattro Novembre, 94, 00187 Roma RM, Italy
  • Hours:  0930-1930, daily.  0930-1400, December 24 and 31.  Closed January 1, May 1 and December 25
  • Admission:  Adults, €15.00. Reduced, €13.00.  Citizens residing in the territory of Roma Capital (proof required).  Reduced, €11.00.  Includes museum entrance and exhibitions.
  • Getting There:  Take the metro, Blue line and get off at Colosseo.

Bernini’s Perfect Work

© 2018 Snapping the Globe, L.L.C. All rights reserved.

Don’t you love it when you find something special without even trying?

Recently, while in Rome, I was out for a walk headed toward nowhere in particular.   Enjoying a gelato, the sunshine and my leisurely stroll, I was paying attention to the intricate and elegant architecture of the area.

Walking along the Via del Quirinale, I noticed a church on my left.  Noticing people entering, I decided to take a look inside.

The Church of Sant’ Andrea al Quirinal is a Roman Catholic church built for the Jesuit seminary on the Quirinal Hill.  Commissioned in 1658, the church was constructed in 1661 and designed by Gian Lorenzo Bernini, who considered it one of his most perfect works.

And perfect it was!

A rotunda-type oval church, with the high altar placed on the short axis, makes it much closer to the entrance than most churches and the first thing I set my eyes upon.  Drawn in due to the placement, my gaze was transfixed on the red marble columns flanking the incredible, breathtaking altar and the painting of The Martyrdom of Saint Andrew by Guillaume Courtois, topped with three-dimensional golden cherubs and a marble figure of Saint Andrew resting on the pediment high above the altar, arm outstretched and gazing upward.

Finally, tearing myself away, I began to inspect each of the chapels, moving to the right of the altar. The Chapel of St. Francis Xavier, showcases three canvases by Baciccio depicting the Baptism, Preaching and Death of St. Francis Xavier.   Gazing upward, the ceiling presents a painting of The Glory of St. Francis Xavier by Filippo Bracci.

The Chapel of the Passion, has three canvases with scenes from the Passion of Jesus Christ by Giacinto Brandi and the chapel to the left of the altar, The Chapel of Saint Stanislaus Kostka, houses the shrine of the saint, a bronze and lapis lazuli urn and a painting of the Madonna With Child and Saint Stanislaus Kostka.  Make sure to check out the ceiling fresco by Govanni Odazzi.

Another chapel is dedicated to Saint Ignatius of Loyola and showcases paintings by Ludovico Mazzanti of the Madonna and Child and Saints and Adoration of Kings and Shepherds.   Another magnificent ceiling painting, Glory of the Angels, commanded my attention here also.

The final altar, located between the Chapel of Saint Stanislaus Kostka caught my eye with the large crucifix.  In this chapel, I discovered the tomb of King Charles Emmanuel IV of Sardinia and Piedmont, who abdicated in 1815 to enter the Society of Jesus and lived in the Jesuit novitiate, adjacent to the church, until his death in 1819.

Many other intricately carved statues grace the pediments above the chapels and the domed ceiling is centered with an oculus allowing the church to be lighted naturally.  Bringing my attention to the floor, I was entranced by the amazing inlaid mosaics which mirrors the elliptical dome overhead.  Bernini did not want large funerary monuments within the church to ruin the architectural lines, so the mosaics mark the grave of those such as Cardinal Giambattista Spinola.

As I was moving through the church, I noticed a sign near a doorway.  As if there wasn’t enough to captivate my attention, I discovered that for a small fee, I could visit the Rooms of Saint Stanislaus Kostka in the Jesuit novitiate, attached to the church, as well as the sacristy, which has been described as the most beautiful in the city.  Not seeing many people heading that way, I decided that my curiosity needed to be satisfied.

Paying the sacristan on duty, I was then directed me up a stairway.  Entering a small room, I discovered paintings and information about Saint Stanislaus Kostka.  As I walked into the rooms that the saint spent his final years, what caught my eye…and actually, caught me a bit off guard…was a life-size marble statue depicting the dying saint, designed by Pierre Legros.  Portrayed at the age of 18, the saint rests on a marble bed and holds in one hand, a small framed image of the Virgin Mary and a real rosary in the other. Surrounded by paintings from his life, the Baroque decor is even more engaging, painted deep red and trimmed in an abundance of gold.

Relics belonging to the saint are displayed in a case the left and two altars fill the wall spaces.  The rooms were so mesmerizing and yet so intimate, not something you get to experience in the normal course of a church visit.

After my descent to the bottom level, I was greeted once again by the sacristan, who then led me into the sacristy and turned on the interior lights.  As my eyes adjusted, I thought, “Indeed, this could be one of the most beautiful in Rome.”  The dark wood altarpiece displays a painting, Immaculate Conception, by Andrea Pozzo, but the ceiling is the magnificent that I have ever seen. The multi-dimensional fresco depicts the Apotheosis of St. Andrew by Govanni de Brosso and is worthy of more than a few minutes of anyone’s time.  Take a seat and stay awhile!

Finally, as my visit was drawing to a close, I took one more round in the church and then stepped outside to take a better look at the exterior.  A simple beauty, marked by a semicircular porch with two Ionic columns invites visitors in to its exaggerated beauty on the inside.

As I stood contemplating what I had just witnessed, a couple walked up near me and read about the church from a guide book they were carrying.  Seeming a bit hesitant about whether or not to take the time to enter, I encouraged them to do so.  To not enter and miss one of Rome’s treasures would be just as a Jesuit devotee dying at the young age of 18.

For more pictures, check out Facebook, Snapping the Globe and Instagram, @snappingtheglobe.

Sant’Andrea al Quirinale

  • Address:  Via del Quirinale 29.
  • Hours:  Monday-Friday 0830-1200, 1500-1900. Saturday and Sunday 0900-1200, 1530-1900.
  • Admission:  free.  €2.00 for entrance to Chapel of St. Stanislov and sacristy.
  • Getting There:  From the Fontane del Tritone near the Barberini Metro station, walk up Via delle Qattro Fontane. Turn right at Via del Quirinale; pass the church San Carlo alle Quatro Fontane (built by Bernini’s rival, Borromini). Pass the park and Sant’Andrea is on the left at the end of the gardens.



An Ancient House of Worship

© 2018 Snapping the Globe, L.L.C. All rights reserved.

The area near the Piazza Navona is one of my favorite places to visit when in Rome, for the activity, the food, the artists and the gelato.

But…I am not going to tell you about the Piazza Navona.

I’m going to tell you about a building that I pass every time I head there.

The Pantheon.

There are many churches in Rome.  I have been to too many to count, however, one of the best preserved buildings in Rome is a church originally constructed as a temple dedicated to all the gods of pagan Rome.  Dating back to between AD 118 and 125, the Pantheon was built after an original edition was destroyed by fire.  As ancient as it is, this prodigious building has been in use since its construction.

Having visited many times before, I still like to take a look inside every now and then.  Approaching the beautiful facade on my most recent trip, I am still mesmerized by the massive columns that line the portico.  Walking among these is always quite inspiring, imaging those who came before me.  Nothing, however, prepares you for those who have come minutes before…other tourists.

Massive crowds fill the interior every day seeking to inspect this architectural phenomenon.  Though classified as a temple, it is unknown how worship was conducted here as it is quite different from many other ancient Roman temples.  Today, though, many take a seat near the altar, head bowed in prayer and contemplation…appropriate as its inception as a church when Byzantine emperor Phocas bequeathed it to Pope Boniface IV in AD 608.

The best way to appreciate the Pantheon (while dodging the crowds), however, is to walk around the round structure while noting that remarkably, the diameter is the same as the interior height of the dome.  The architecture is most fascinating as the structure is comprised of a series of intersecting arches resting on eight piers.  The arches correspond to the eight bays which house statues.

Interspersed between the bays are the tombs of many famous figures from Italian history…painters Raphael and Annibale Carracci, composer, Arcangelo Corelli and architect Baldassare Peruzzi as well as the Italian kings, Vittorio Emanuele II and Umberto I.  There are also many paintings that adorn the walls, the best known being the Annunication by Melozzo da Forli.

The most amazing part of the Pantheon, however, is the oculus and probably the first thing your eye is drawn to when entering.  An engineering feat of its time, no other constructed before was as large.   Still lined with the original Roman bronze, it is the main source of light for the entire building.  As the oculus is open to the elements, rain does fall into the interior.  Tourists should never fear, however, the slightly convex floor allows the water to drain into the still functioning Roman drainpipes beneath.

After my visit was complete, I stepped out into the piazza to take a better look at the fabulous temple from afar.  The crowds were probably as thick here as they were inside, however, I was able to step up onto the raised platform that surrounded the amazing fountain that holds court in the center of the square.

After my photographs of the Pantheon were taken, I turned around to inspect the bubbling water behind me.  Funny, as many times as I had walked through this piazza and visited the Pantheon, I had only ever glanced at the fountain due to the large crowds that surround it.

The Fontana del Pantheon was commissioned by Pope Gregory XIII and sculpted entirely out of marble.  When the fountain was modified over a hundred years later, a new basin made of stone was installed and the Macuteo obelisk that you see today, was placed in the center.  The original marble figures that were originally installed, were removed in 1886, replaced with copies and placed in the Museum of Rome.  Much more beautiful up close!

If you are on your way to the Piazza Navona, or just in the area, step inside to see this incredible architectural gem and then have a seat around the beautiful fountain.  Grab a gelato or a drink and relax for a while.

With so many visitors, you never know who you might meet!

For more pictures, check out Facebook, Snapping the Globe and Instagram, @snappingtheglobe.



  • http://www.polomusealelazio.beniculturali.it/index.php?it/232/pantheon
  • Address:  Piazza della Rotonda, 00186 Rome
  • Hours:  Monday-Saturday, 0830-1930, Sunday, 0900-1800.  Mid-week holidays, 0900-1300.  Closed January 1, May 1, December 25.
  • Admission:  free
  • Getting There:  Take bus 117 and get off at Corso-Minghetti.  The Pantheon is a 4 minute walk.


Vestiges and Views

© 2018 Snapping the Globe, L.L.C. All rights reserved.

Trying to find a destination where you can see a lot in a small amount of time?

Rome is your city!

There are so many things in a close proximity, it is easy to fill your days in a productive way.

Three things that you can check off your list in one area (and one the same ticket) are the Roman Colosseum, the Roman Forum and Palatine Hill.

The Colosseum is a huge draw and may result in waiting in line for some time, however, capacity restrictions are not as stringent for the neighboring Forum and Palatine Hill, where you can see some of the best ruins and some of the best views.  After checking out the famed site of gladiator battles, head on over for a glimpse at the area where ancient Roman citizens utilized for their every day life.

The Roman Forum today, showcases the ruins of several important ancient government buildings and was once a marketplace and site of victory processions, elections, public speeches and criminal trials.  Many locals and visitors presently utilize the plaza between the Colosseum and the Forum as a meeting point, however, this rectangular forum was probably the most famed meeting place in the world and in history.

Some of the oldest and most important structures were located in the Forum, including the earliest shrines, temples, the royal residence and government offices (including the Senate House) and many of these architectural fragments and excavations can be examined at close range.

Entering the complex near the Arch of Titus, we discovered many paths throughout to survey the area in its entirety, encompassing the two basilicas, Fulvia Aemilia, a 100 meter public hall with a two-story porticoed facade dating back to 179 BC and Basilica Julia, built by Julius Caesar on the site of Basilica Sempronia in 54 BC.  The Tempio di Antonino e Faustina, erected in AD 141 and transformed into a church in the 8th century (Chiesa di San Lorenzo in Miranda) and the Temple of Romulus are two of the most intact buildings on the premises.  Near the Temple of Romulus, you will find the Basilica of Maxentius, the largest building on the forum, originally measuring 100 meters by 65 meters.

The Via Sacra, the Forum’s main thoroughfare brought us to many of the main sights, including the Tempio di Giulio Cesare, built by Augustus in 29 BC, the site where Julius Caesar was cremated and the Curia, the original seat of the Roman Senate which was converted into a church in the Middle Ages.  Here, we were able to check out the large piece of black marble in front of the Curia, the Lapis Niger, which is said to cover the tomb of Romulus, a mythological figure.

Also on the Via Sacra, we discovered the Casa delle Vestali, the home of the virgins who tended the sacred flame in the Tempio di Vesta.  These priestesses, aged between six and ten years, were selected from aristocratic families to serve in the temple for thirty years.  So great was the responsibility of keeping both the flame and their virginity intact that the penalty of flogging and/or death was imposed for those who did not adhere to the orders.  The statues which honor these virgins line the Via Sacra and though most are in good condition, a many are missing their heads.

At the end of the Via Sacra, we came upon the Arco di Settimio Severo, a 23 meter high structure, built in AD 203 and dedicated to the emperor and his two sons, Caracalla and Geta.  The arch commemorated the Roman victory over the Parthians.

The remains of the Rostri could be seen in front of the arch.  This elaborate podium was the site of Mark Antony’s famous, “Friends, Romans and countrymen…” speech.  Facing the Rostri is the Colonna di Foca (Column of Phocus) which fronts what once was the Forum’s main square.

Behind the Colonna, we spied eight granite columns which are all that remain of the Temple of Saturn, an important temple that also acted as the state treasury.

Other notable structures are the ruins of the Tempio della Concordia, the Tempio di Vespasiano and the Portico degli Dei Consenti as well as the 6th century Chiesa di Santa Maria Antigua, the oldest and most important monument in the Roman Forum.  This church is occasionally opened for temporary exhibitions and showcases early Christian art from the 6th through 9th centuries, including one of the earliest icons in existence of the the Virgin Mary and Child.  In front of the church you can find the, now inaccessible, Imperial Ramp which was an underground passageway that allowed the emperors to access the Forum privately.

Palatine Hill is connected to the Forum and at the center of the seven hills of Rome.  Standing above the Forum, it was once the place where Imperial palaces were built.  Heading uphill, we made our way through the grounds.

Included with admission to the Colosseum and the Forum, this archaeological site is worth a visit for the monuments located here as well as for the views, which not only include the Forum, but Circus Maximus on the far side.  If you are versed in mythology, then you will also be aware that this is believed to be the site of the cave where Romulus and Remus were found and cared for by the she-wolf, Luperca.

The Palace of Domitian is the main structure at this location and it is located at the far side of Palatine Hill.  Also known as the Flavian Palace, it was built as Domitian’s imperial palace.

Since many of the structures are mainly ruins, it was a bit difficult to make sense of what was there, however, some areas and buildings are well preserved.  The Stadium of Domitian resembles a hippodrome, yet, there has been debate on whether it was used for that purpose or as the emperor’s gardens.

The Houses of Augustus and Livia, are still standing and in good condition and house some impressive art and frescoes. Tours of both of these impressive structures are available, however, advance tickets were required and we were not in possession.  If you can secure them ahead of time, it is worth the effort in order to check out Augustus’ private study.

The Palatine Museum is also open to the public and contains a display of Roman statuary and findings from the hippodrome, however, being the end of our day, we decided that this would have to wait until another visit.

The most important thing to see at the Palatine, however, are the views!  Though we were not as prepared as we could have been, I think next time, I would bring a picnic and enjoy this area for a little longer…taking in the Roman landscape spread out before Palatine Hill, from Circus Maximus, to Aventine Hill and the spectacular ruins of the Forum, the Colosseum and the Capitoline Hill.

Rome never disappoints!

For more pictures, check out Facebook, Snapping the Globe and Instagram, @snappingtheglobe.


Roman Forum

  • http://www.turismoroma.it/cosa-fare/fori?lang=it
  • Address:  Via della Salara Vecchia, 5/6, 00186 Roma RM, Italy
  • Hours:  0830-1900, daily
  • Admission:  Combined ticket with Colosseum, the Roman Forum and Palatine, Adults, 12€.  European Union members (18-24 years), 7.50€.  Children, under 17, free.  Seniors, over 65, free.
  • Getting There:  Take the “B” Line Metro and exit at the Colosseo station.  Take the “A” Line Metro and exit at the Manzoni station to take Tram 3, two stops south.  Bus #s 51, 75, 85, 87 and 118 run to the Colosseum.  Taxis and Uber will drop you across Via dei Fori Imperiali.

Palatine Hill

  • Address:  Via di San Gregorio, 30
  • Hours:  0830-1900, daily
  • Admission:  Combined ticket with Colosseum, the Roman Forum and Palatine, Adults, 12€.  European Union members (18-24 years), 7.50€.  Children, under 17, free.  Seniors, over 65, free.
  • Getting There:  Take the “B” Line Metro and exit at the Colosseo station.  Take the “A” Line Metro and exit at the Manzoni station to take Tram 3, two stops south.  Bus #s 51, 75, 85, 87 and 118 run to the Colosseum.  Taxis and Uber will drop you across Via dei Fori Imperiali.

What’s New At The Colosseum?

© 2018 Snapping the Globe, L.L.C. All rights reserved

How many times can you visit the same landmark and not be bored?

In the case of the Roman Colosseum, I do not think there is a limit!

Having been to this architectural phenomenon at least five or six times, I never tire of seeing its structural prowess which has withstood the elements for so many years.  I enjoy meandering through the passageways and gazing out on the arena which was the site of much action in its early years.

Arch of Constantine

The area outside of the edifice has also long been a meeting point for those who live in the city as well as for visitors.  Here you can simply revel in the view, have a refreshing beverage, cool off with a cup of gelato or take a photo with a Roman gladiator.  You can also stroll around the neighboring Arch of Constantine, built in A.D. 315 in honor of Constantine I’s victory over Maxentius at Pons Milvius or through the Roman Forum, the ruins of several ancient government buildings and the site of an ancient marketplace.

But as many times as I have set foot in this awe-inspiring masterpiece, I always seem to learn something new.

A visit to the Colosseum is  a walk through the past and there is much knowledge that I have gleaned from each of my visits.  Take a look at many of the facts about the Roman Colosseum…how much did you know?

The Colosseum is also known as the Flavian Amphitheater.

The Emperor Vespasian, ordered the Colosseum built in the heart of Ancient Rome in 72 A.D.  A gift to the Roman citizens, it was completed a short eight years later.  

Ten of thousands of slaves built the free-standing structure from stone and concrete.

The Colosseum is the largest amphitheater in the world, measuring 186 meters long, 156 meters wide and 50 meters high!

80 separate entrances allowed for the ease of movement of 50,000 spectators into the building.  Too bad more of these are not in use today…the lines to enter can be quite lengthy during the busiest times of the year.

There were three stories, each containing columns of a different style.  The bottom columns were from the simple Doric order, the center, Ionic and the top, Corinthian.  

Many events were held here, including gladiatorial contests and wild animal hunts.  The arena could also be flooded and drained very quickly, allowing for the viewing of naval battles without heading to the coast.

The emperor’s enjoyed the entertainment so much that they not only organized the events but also paid for them, allowing for the free entry of those desiring to attend.   By also providing food, they ensured their popularity and support.

Emperor Vespasian’s son, Titus, was the first to hold games to commemorate the completion of the Colosseum.  These games continued for 100 days.  Gladiatorial games continued until the fifth century and animal hunts until the sixth.

Although most gladiators were male, recorded history indicates that there were some female gladiators.  Contrary to what most believe, however, gladiators were not noble, brave soldiers…most were slaves, condemned criminals or prisoners of war.

Those with weak constitutions were not encouraged to attend as many events were quite brutal.  During certain games held by the emperors, around 10,000 animals were killed in a single day.

Despite the scorching mid-day sun, the spectators could enjoy the activities in the shade.  An awning, called a velarium, could be pulled over the top of the seating areas.

A large number of rooms and underground passages were located beneath the Colosseum.  Here, gladiators and animals waited to meet their fate.  There were also thirty-six trap doors which could be used for special effects. 

Vandalism, earthquakes and fires have destroyed about two thirds of the Colosseum over the years.  During the 18th century, this mighty structure was used a source of building materials for other important buildings, including the cathedrals of St. Peter and St. John Lateran, the Palazzo Venezia and defense fortifications along the Tiber River.

Restoration efforts began in the 1990s and can still be seen continuing today.  Funding from the admittance of thousands of visitors each year allow for the preservation of this mighty monument.

For more pictures, check out Facebook, Snapping the Globe, and Instagram, @snappingtheglobe.


Roman Colosseum

  • https://www.rome.info/colosseum/
  • Address:  Piazza del Colosseo, 1, 00184 Roma RM, Italy
  • Hours:  Last Sunday of October to February 15, 0830-1630, February 16 to March 15, 0830-1700, March 16 until last Saturday of March, 0830-1730, last Sunday of March to August 31, 0830-1915, September 1-September 30, 0830-1900, October 1 until last Saturday of October, 0830-1830.  Closed December 25, January 1 and May 1.
  • Admission:  Ticket includes admission to Roman Colosseum, Roman Forum and Palatine Hill and is valid for two days, Adults, €12.00.  Reduced fee for European Union citizens between the ages of 18 and 25 and for EU teachers, €7.00.  Visitors under the age of 17, Free.
  • There is a ticket booth within the Colosseum, however, you can avoid waiting in line twice, once for the ticket purchase and once for entry.  A new ticket office has been opened across from the Colosseum and alongside the entrance to the Roman Forum.  After purchasing ticket, make sure to enter the line for entrance at the Colosseum.  Tickets can also be purchased online and and by telephone.
  • Getting There:  Take the “B” Line Metro and exit at the Colosseo station.  Take the “A” Line Metro and exit at the Manzoni station to take Tram 3, two stops south.  Bus #s 51, 75, 85, 87 and 118 run to the Colosseum.  Taxis and Uber will drop you across Via dei Fori Imperiali.