The Bronze Ear

© 2018 Snapping the Globe, L.L.C. All rights reserved.

Tired of the usual tourist attractions in Milan?  Already visited the Duomo?  Motored the canals of the Navigli district?

Take a walk to the Zone of Silence neighborhood, located northeast of the Cathedral of San Babila.  Aptly named because of its location tucked away from Milan’s heavily trafficked streets, it offers many early modern buildings.  One of these, Casa Sola-Busca, is nothing architecturally spectacular in itself…what is located on the front of the building is what you need to seek out, keeping in mind the irony of the neighborhood name.

Nicknamed “Ca ‘de l’Oreggia” or “House of the Ear”, the building features a large ear on its facade.

Yes…an ear.

Long before doorbells were commonplace, a method of announcement was required by visitors.  Hence, the ear.

Designed by master sculptor, Adolfo Wildt and maestros Lucio Fontana and Luigi Brogginiin in 1930, the auditory organ was used by callers…to do just that.  Calling right into the ear, which was equipped with an early intercom, it allowed visitors to announce their arrival.

After many years of the ear’s existence, the original owners and creators relinquished their residence.  Despite the ear’s former practicality, subsequent tenants finally had the sculpture disconnected, as many a curious passerby could not resist revealing their secrets into the able ear.

The now quiet ear is still visible today on Via Serbelloni.

Check out more pictures on Facebook, Snapping the Globe and Instagram, @snappingtheglobe.


Casa Sola-Busca

  • Address:  Via Serbelloni 10, Milan, Italy
  • Hours:  No posted hours
  • Admission:  free
  • Getting There:  From metro stop, San Babila, take Corso Venezia northwest, crossing Via Senato.  Continue of Via Senato to Via Gabrio Serbelloni and take a right.  Casa Sola-Busca is located on the right.




Churchill’s Hideout

© 2018 Snapping the Globe, L.L.C. All rights reserved.

Last week, I saw the movie, “Darkest Hour” and a few week’s before that, “Dunkirk”.  History is not my strongest suit, despite my love of museums, but having visited the Churchill War Rooms in London recently, everything that happened during that time frame suddenly made sense to the muddled historic timeline in  my head!

One of the five branches of the Imperial War Museums, the Churchill War Rooms, opened to the public in 1984, includes the Cabinet War Rooms, the historic underground complex that housed the British government center throughout World War II and the Churchill Museum, dedicated to the life of former prime minister Winston Churchill.

As Hitler threatened the world, Britain began construction on the Cabinet War Rooms, located below the Treasury building in Westminster in 1938.  Just before the war broke out in Europe, operations were moved in and remained throughout the Second World War until the surrender of Japan.

The Churchill War Rooms offer a self guided tour through each of the areas used by British intelligence and more importantly, the prime minister of the time, Winston Churchill.

Watching the movie, it was quite thrilling to see the Map Room, which was used continually by the officers of the Royal Navy, British Army and Royal Air Force who produced a daily intelligence summary for the King, Prime Minister and the military Chiefs of Staff.  The other room I recognized was the Cabinet Room, from which Churchill visited in 1940 and famously declared, “This is the room from which I will direct the war.”  And that he did.  115 Cabinet meetings, in all, were held in the Cabinet War Rooms.

Map Room
Cabinet Room

The facility included living and sleeping areas for the staff, bedrooms for the military officers and senior ministers and rooms for the typists and telephone switchboard operators.  The prime minister also spent much of his time below ground working, despite the fact that the rooms were not entirely immune to the bombing raids that continually rained devastation upon the city.

Living and Sleeping Quarters
Churchill’s office/bedroom

Also interesting to observe were the Transatlantic Telephone Room and Churchill’s office-bedroom, both preserved much as they were left.  Noticing a small sign which instructed visitors to walk to the end of one of the hallways, it  also gave instructions to check out a doorway on the left.  Though it only appeared to be the entrance to a bathroom, there wasn’t much else to clue anyone in as to its importance.  As I entered the next room, one of the volunteers, asked me if I had noticed the doorway.  Since I didn’t seem to know anything about it, he proceeded to tell me about a scene in the movie to watch for when Winston Churchill retired to what appeared to be a restroom.  A glass wall, around the corner, offered a glimpse into the pseudo bathroom…it was actually a small room outfitted with a SIGSALY code-scrambling encrypted telephone connected directly with the Pentagon in Washington, D.C.  This modest space offered the prime minister privacy and a direct line to speak with American President Roosevelt.

The other major part of the exhibit was the Churchill Museum.  A large detailed space, it offered a look into Churchill’s life from his birth, to his military career,  his political career and finally retirement.


Whether you are a fan of the two-time prime minister or a history buff, the Churchill War Rooms does not cease to please.  Take a couple of hours and head on over to the place in London that made a huge impact on World War II.

For more pictures, check out Facebook, Snapping the Globe and Instagram, @snappingtheglobe.


Churchill War Rooms

  • Address:  Clive Steps, King Charles St, Westminster, London SW1A 2AQ, UK
  • Hours:  Daily, 0930-1800
  • Admission:  Adult, £21.00, Children under 5, free, Children ages 5-15, £10.50, Family ticket (2 adults, 1 child) £35.70, Family ticket (2 adults, 2 children) £53.55, Concessions, £16.80.  Audio guides included in admission price.
  • Getting There: Metro, Westminster station




1,000 Years of Worship

© 2018 Snapping the Globe, L.L.C. All rights reserved.

Old churches in London…there are many!

Though my initial plan was to visit St. Paul’s, discovering that photos were not allowed there, as they were not in Westminster Abbey, altered my decision.  One church with no photos per visit is plenty!  So…since I was planning to have something to eat at the Borough Market and Southwark Cathedral is next door, I decided to pop in and check it out.

The location of Christian worship for more than 1,000 years, Southwark was originally an Augustinian priory and then a parish church by the name of St. Saviour’s.  The Gothic structure was built between 1220 and 1420 with the addition of the nave during the 19th century.

Having seen the magnificent Westminster Abbey, in all of its glory the day before, this cathedral could have been sort of a letdown.  However, you can’t compare apples to oranges.  Southwark has an amazing history and some unique things to see as well.

When you walk into the cathedral, one of the first things you will notice on the rear wall, near the baptismal font, are the Medieval Roof Bosses.  When the roof collapsed in 1469, these bosses were part of the newly built wooden vaulted roof.  Originally 150 in all, some of these quirky, yet ornate, pieces still sport the remains of the bright paints used to decorate them.  Also, near the baptismal font, pay attention to the original thirteenth century medieval arcading on the walls.

Making your way toward the altar on the cathedral’s north aisle, you will encounter the tomb of medieval English poet, John Gower.  A friend of Geoffrey Chaucer, he lived in the cathedral’s priory from the 1370’s until his death at the age of 78.  His body is interred with his head resting on one of his most famous works, Speculum Meditantis, Vox Clamantis and Confessio Amantis.  The latter’s first editions were dedicated to Richard II.

Make sure to gaze upward at the beautiful stained glass windows, especially, Queen Victoria’s Diamond Jubilee Window in the south wall of the retrochoir, the story of Creation, a set of three lancets at the west end of the nave and the Shakespeare Memorial window in the south aisle of the choir.

On the north aisle of the cathedral is the North Transept and many monuments are located in this area, most notably the monument to Lionel Lockyer, a physician whose pills were said to heal all ailments and another to lawyer and poet, William Austin.  Austin’s monument, created by Nicholas Stone, a famous 17th century sculptor, is hard to miss for its size.

Take a peek into the Harvard Chapel and inspect the John Harvard Memorial window before continuing on toward the Lady Chapel.  Along the way, take in the Humble Monument, which pays homage to Alderman Richard Humble, a member of the church vestry, and his two wives, Elizabeth and Isabel.  Equally impressive is the Medieval Effigy of a Knight, an incredible carving of a knight, possible a crusader, dating from 1280.

Between the north and south aisles, behind the altar is one of the greatest treasures of the cathedral, the High Altar Screen.  Erected in 1520 by Bishop Fox of Winchester, the screen displays three lines of statues depicting St. Olaf (King Olaf II of Norway) who converted to Christianity and is know for pulling down the London Bridge to protect the city from an assault from the Danes.  Also featured are the figures of poet John Gower, King Henry I, Thomas Becket, St. Peter, St. Paul, Cardinal Beaufort, Bishop Fox and many others.  There are also carvings of the Lamb of God, a pelican (badge of Bishop Fox), a row of angels and hunting scenes.

Be sure to inspect the tomb of Bishop Lancelot Andrewes located on the south aisle.  A high ranking bishop, during the reigns of Queen Elizabeth I and James I of England, Andrewes was a key translator of the King James version of the Bible and assisted at King James’s coronation.  During the latter part of his life, he became Dean of Winchester remaining in the position until his death at the age of 71 in 1626.

As you continue down the south aisle, you will notice the beautiful organ, built 1897 by T.C. Lewis.  The instrument is located in the angle where the south transept joins the south quire aisle and has remained mostly unaltered since its construction.  It is still used throughout the week, with four sung services.  Though I was not privileged to hear the organ played during my visit, I was lucky enough to be graced by the sounds of a pianist and vocalist who were giving a weekly concert in the church.

The last major attraction in the church is the Memorial Window of Shakespeare with a remarkable alabaster statue, created in 1912 by Henry McCarthy, of the great writer in repose, quill in hand.  Shakespeare was a parishioner who worshiped at the cathedral when he lived near the Globe Theater.  William’s brother Edmund was buried on the church grounds in 1607, however, the exact location of his tomb is unknown.

Before leaving the church, make sure to take a quick walk around the grounds of the church.  While taking a look at the stunning Gothic architecture, also look for shrapnel damage which is still visible from the bombs dropped in the area between October 1940 to June 1941.  Also, take a look at the archaeological remains located in the far side of the entry hall.

Southwark Cathedral is probably overlooked and definitely overshadowed by churches that are more well known in London.  However, if you have a love of Gothic architecture and Shakespeare, it is a must!

For more pictures, check out Facebook, Snapping the Globe and Instagram, @snappingtheglobe.


Southwark Cathedral

  • Address:  London Bridge, London SE1 9DA, UK
  • Hours: Sunday, 1230-1500 and 1600-1800, Monday thru Friday, 0900-1700, Saturday, 0930-1545 and 1700-1800
  • Admission:  Free.  Photography permit, £1.00, includes a souvenir map highlighting important memorials, stained glass windows and history of the Cathedral.  Drop-in tours led by Cathedral guides take place on Wednesdays at 1400, Fridays at 1100 and Sundays at 1300, dependent on services and events.  Tours last 45 minutes and cost is £4.50 per person, free for children under 16.
  • Getting There:  Tube stop, London Bridge (5 minutes walk), Cannon Street Station (10 minutes walk), Blackfriar’s Station (15 minute walk).


Gateway To The World

© 2018 Snapping the Globe, L.L.C. All rights reserved.

There are many cities in the Netherlands that are worthy of being considered a great day trip!

Having been to many of these cities, Alkmaar, Zaandam, Delft, the Hague, Haarlem, Leiden, Volendam, Utrecht, Enkuizen, Gouda and Muiden, somehow, Rotterdam had escaped my attention.

Maybe I thought that it was just too far.  Or maybe…I just thought it wouldn’t be as interesting of a city because I had always heard of it described as a “new” city.

Rotterdam dates back to 1270, when a dam was constructed in the Rotte river. Seventy years later, Rotterdam was granted city rights by the Count of Holland and with it strategic location by the North Sea and rivers, Rhine, Meuse and Scheldt, it allowed access into the heart of Western Europe, giving it the title, Gateway To The World.  The second largest city in the Netherlands, it was almost completely destroyed during World War II when it was subject to extensive bombing by the Germans.  As the city recognized the challenge of rebuilding, a wide array of architectural styles resulted, including sky-scrapers, an uncommon feature in other Dutch cities.

Arriving into Rotterdam Central Station, I stepped out into the cold morning after a longer than necessary train ride (I mistakenly took the Sprinter train instead of the Intercity direct, an extra 25 minutes).  Walking through the modern station, I first stopped at the Information Center to purchase a map of the city and ask for any advice on seeing what Rotterdam had to offer.

Deciding to abandon plans to take public transportation, as it would prohibit me from seeing all of the little things, I set out to walk the city with a few landmarks in mind.

The first thing I noticed about Rotterdam is while there are new buildings and skyscrapers, there are also still some older buildings scattered throughout the city, sometimes sandwiched between newer construction.  I thought that this gave an interesting quality to the city…a sort of ying-yang.  The second thing I noticed was that sculpture is EVERYWHERE!  Following the canal that led away from the train station, I began to see interesting pieces of artwork lining the banks.  Each piece was identified by a metal plaque on the walkway advising observers of the name of the artwork, the artist’s name and location and year constructed.  Making for a nice leisurely walk, I stopped at each of the sculptures as I made my way south on Westersingel to Eendrachtsplein, where I found the current location of the controversial sculpture by Paul McCarthy, Santa Claus.  A shocking statue, it depicts the beloved Santa not holding a Christmas tree but a sex toy.  While some people have defended it proclaiming that it reflects the fetishization of Christmas and the prevalent sexuality in consumer society, others declared it vulgar and offensive.



















Continuing my jaunt toward Westzeedijk, I headed west.  Walking through the grounds of the Museum Boijmans Van Beuningen, I encountered the Greek Orthodox Church and a monument to G.J. De Jongh, the former Director of the Municipal Works of Rotterdam (1879-1910), responsible for urban and port growth.  Also in this area is the Kunsthal and Natural History Museums.

Further on, I gazed upward at the Euromast, the observation tower constructed between 1958 and 1960 and designed by Hugh Maaskant.  Though I would have like to visit the observation platform to see the city from the tallest building in Rotterdam, time was limited and I was headed to the oldest part of the city, Delfshaven.

Delfshaven, once belonging to the city and municipality of Delft, was annexed by Rotterdam in 1886.  Having escaped wartime bombing, the small historic center has been carefully preserved and features local museums, a brewery and countless eating establishments.  Here you can also find old bridges, a windmill and the Pilgrim Father’s Church.

The Pilgrim Father’s Church, dating back to 1417, when the Roman Catholic Church of St. Anthony was consecrated on the site, later fell into Protestant hands in 1574.  When a group of English dissenters fled to the Netherlands in 1608, they later decided to make the journey to America so that they might worship in their own way.  On July 21, 1620, they knelt in prayer on the quay near the church before boarding the ship, the Speedwell.

The present facade, with its bell-shaped gable was built when the church was heightened in 1761 and the church was acquired by the Foundation of Old Churches in Holland in 1992 and restored in 1998.  Today, the church is rented for concerts, lectures, weddings,, exhibitions and is open every other Friday and every Saturday from 1200 until 1600.  Sadly, I was there on a Sunday and was only able to see the church from the outside, missing the stained glass windows depicting the six days of Creation and the oldest bell, cast in 1464, cracked and on display in the church.  I did however, get to admire the old buildings and boats that lined the canals.

Having not purchased a ticket for the mass transit, I wasn’t sure if I could purchase one on the tram, so began the long walk back in the direction that I had come.  Finally arriving at the Maritime Museum, I skirted the harbor looking for a good vantage point to observe the Erasmus Bridge.

The Erasmus Bridge (Erasmusbrug) was completed in 1996 and is the largest and heaviest bascule bridge in Western Europe, connecting the north and south parts of the city.  Named after Desiderius Erasmus (Erasmus of Rotterdam), a prominent Christian renaissance humanist, the cable-stayed bridge section with its single asymmetrical pale blue pylon with a prominent horizontal base has earned the bridge the nickname, The Swan.

Gazing upon the bridge in the waning sunlight, I was also able to admire De Boeg, the war memorial which commemorates the 3,500 crew members of Dutch merchant ships that lost their lives in World War II.  The monument symbolizes a bow in the concrete waves with a bronze addition added in 1965 depicting a helmsman, three sailors and a drowned one.  Engraved is the text, “They kept course”.

Finally, heading back toward the train station, I made three quick detours to see some fantastic landmarks, Kijk Kubus (Cube Houses), innovative housing designed by Piet Blom, Grote of St. Laurenskerk (Church of St. Lawrence), the only remnant of the medieval city of Rotterdam, and Stadhuis Rotterdam (City Hall), the Beaux Art style building (with Byzantine, Roman and Art Deco influences) that was one of the few buildings to survive the bombardment of World War II.

After five hours of intense sightseeing and walking throughout the old-yet-new city of Rotterdam, my feet were aching, yet satisfied.  I had seen all that the city had to offer and was confident that future travels would be easier, allowing me to explore the city in depth.

It was time head back to Amsterdam and this time, I caught the Intercity Direct!  Definitely the way to go!  Heck, I didn’t really even have time to catch a nap!

For more pictures check out Facebook, Snapping the Globe and Instagram, @snappingtheglobe.


Kunsthal Museum

  • Address:  Westzeedijk 341, 3015 AA Rotterdam, Netherlands
  • Hours: Tuesday thru Saturday, 1000-1700, Sunday, 1100-1700
  • Admission:  Adults, 14€, Students under 17 years, free

Natural History Museum

  • Address:  Westzeedijk 345, 3015AA Rotterdam, Netherlands
  • Hours:  Tuesday thru Sunday, 1100-1700
  • Admission:  Adults, 7€, children 5 to 15 years, 65+, students, 3.50€


  • Address:
  • Hours:  Open 365 days a year, April thru September, open from 0930, October thru March, open from 1000.  Deli open until 1800.  Platforms open until 2200.  Euroscoop open until 2145.  Brasserie open until 2300.  Kitchen open until 2215.
  • Admission:  Adults 9.75€, 65+ years, 8.76€, Children, 4-11 years, 6.25€,

Pilgrim Father’s Church

De Boeg

Kijk Kubus

  • Address:  Overblaak 70, 3011 MH Rotterdam, Netherlands
  • Hours:  Daily, 100-1700
  • Admission:  Adults, 2.50€, Students and 65+ years, 2.00€, Children 4-12 years, 1.50€

Grote of Sint-Laurenskerk


  • Address:  Grotekerkplein 27, 3011 GC Rotterdam, Netherlands
  • You cannot visit City Hall on your own, but you can ask the local tourist office about guided tours of City Hall.




Lights…No Action!

© 2018 Snapping the Globe, L.L.C. All rights reserved.

Each year, the light art installations seen at the Amsterdam Light Festival are exclusively made for the festival by artists from around the world.

Last year, I enjoyed these unique and colorful displays by booking one of the cruises that traverse the canals and pass the locations of these fantastical exhibits.  Noticing that many were accessible from land, I vowed to enjoy them up close during the next year’s festivities.

After doing some research on the 2017-2018 Amsterdam Light Festival, I discovered that the land exhibition had been relocated to the Marineterrein area near the Maritime Museum, making it much more accessible to visitors arriving through Central Station.

Entrance near Maritime Museum

Setting out during an extremely cold evening, I walked from Central Station along the water, following signs marking the way to the exhibit.  Information booths were located at both ends of the exhibit, where you could obtain information about each of the light displays and purchase information guides.

Remembering the presentations that I had observed during the previous year, I was a bit confused as I came up to a recently constructed wooden building with a line of people waiting to get in.  Asking if this was part of the exhibition, I was instructed to wait in line and I would be admitted to see the lighting display inside, which was entitled The Wood Would.

After a short wait, I finally entered…and discovered…more of a wait inside.

Just what were we going to see?  I was dying to know!

When it was my turn to enter a small room, I was instructed to step on a board which was sitting in water on the floor.  The lights were situated in a way that when you stepped onto the board, the water shimmered, created a lighting effect on the walls which were pasted with pictures of birch trees.


Interesting idea…I guess.

On to the next one.

Although a few of the displays, Squared Time, Miasma Fields, The Garden of Schrodinger’s Cats, were to be enjoyed while passing by on the walkways, sadly, many of the displays were set up like the first one, with a line to enter…while freezing outside on a cold night.  Inside, there were weird light displays or demonstrations that I really did not understand.

The next display, Innersense had me waiting for at least twenty minutes.  I was admitted into a small space where I was instructed to step onto a small round platform under a “shower head.”  Two Dutch ladies looked over at me and asked if I was feeling anything.  Anything?  No, just a shower head with lights changing color, giving me a “light shower”.  Hmmm.

Another confusing one…Fields of Frequencies.  Ushered into a small room there were benches and a screen.  The light on the screen changed color to different frequencies.  Exciting.

One of my favorites, however, was the small tin building with millions of small holes drilled into it.  Brocken 6 A. After entering, we were subject to a smokey interior which reflected the light entering from the outside, offering thousands of rays of light.  Another, Save Our Souls, was a projection onto one of the buildings which showed a stormy sea with an SOS light in the distance.  I think we were supposed to wonder who might need help?  Still, the projection was pretty awesome.

My take on this years Amsterdam Light Festival?  Underwhelming.  Though I really enjoyed the convenient location, the beautiful manifestations in the canals that I saw last year was such a far cry from what was offered here.

Next year?  I’m taking the boat!

For more pictures, check out Facebook, Snapping the Globe and Instagram, @snappingtheglobe.


Amsterdam Light Festival

  • Check out the website for next year’s dates and locations.





The Tulip Quiz

© 2018 Snapping the Globe, L.L.C. All rights reserved.

What kind of flowers grow in the Netherlands?

Why, tulips, of course!

Everyone should know this answer!

Now, does everyone know the tulip’s origins?  Where the tulip got its name?  Or how many varieties of tulips there are?

Despite my love of the beautiful flower that I plant in my yard every year, I must confess, I knew none of these answers.

A rainy afternoon, led me through the saturated streets of Amsterdam to the small museum located on Prinsengracht.  Though my umbrella was in rough shape when I arrived, the museum was light and airy…and dry!

After paying my admission and watching an introductory film, it was time to head downstairs to the exhibition rooms.  So much tulip information is presented here from its origins, to how it arrived in Holland and the roles it played in Dutch history and in current times.  An additional film is also presented on the street level which identifies what transpires in each season for the farmers who grow them.  I  have to admit, I was intrigued!  I guess I thought that I knew more than I really did!

See how much you know…

Is the tulip native to Holland?  Tulips originated in the high plains of Central Asia, (present day Kazakhstan and surrounding countries) and can still be found growing wild in many areas.  Recognized as something special, the tulips were brought to Turkey and introduced to the gardens of dignitaries.  Suleyman the Great, the ruler of the Ottoman Regime, a plant enthusiast, gave bulbs to De Busbecq, a Flemish scientist, who worked in the court.  In turn, De Busbecq passed some on to Carolus Clusius, a friend and another Flemish scientist, medical doctor and botanist during the 16th century.   As a professor at the University of Leiden and the head of the Hortus Botanicus, founded in 1590, he planted the bulbs, but did not share his knowledge of them.  When the bulbs were stolen and subsequently sold, this was the beginning of the commercial tulip trade in the Netherlands.

How did the tulip get its name?  Because it was a symbol of power and wealth, Ottoman sultans wore the tulip on their turbans.  Since the tulip’s shape resembles a turban, the Latin word tulipa (derived from the Persian word tulipan, meaning turban) became commonly used.

How many kinds of tulips are there?  One.  There is one kind.  The tulip.  This statement is quite misleading, however, because there are many different groups of tulips each with their own specific characteristics and classified into a system of 15 different groups, broken down into shape, heritage and flowering season.

Where do tulips grow best?  Tulips like sandy-clay soil in areas not far from coastal areas as well as mild winters and summers.  Because of this, tulips tend to grow well in certain parts of Holland, however, they may grow successfully in other parts of the world provided the soil conditions are similar and they receive at least six hours of sunlight daily.

What is the best time to plant tulips?  The only time of year to plant tulips is during the fall, more specifically, from October until mid-December.  The bulbs need to develop good roots before winter starts and the frost penetrates the soil and should be planted twice as deep as the height of the bulb.

Will tulips return every year?  In warmer climates, not likely.  In zones 3-8, it is possible but not guaranteed.  In cooler climates, it is more likely providing the bulbs are planted extra deep, watered well, protected with extra mulch and fertilized.

Should bulbs be dug up every year?  In warmer climate zones, digging of the tulip bulbs is advised after the flowering periods and new bulbs planted during the following fall season.  For zones 3-8, the bulbs do not need to be removed.

How to care for cut tulips?  The tulip stems should be cut at an angle and placed in a water-filled vase.  Care should be taken to ensure that the flowers remain in a cool area during the night and narcisses/daffodils should not be placed in the same container as they produce a toxic substance detrimental to other flowers.

Were tulips bulbs once eaten?  During the winter of 1944-1945, starvation in Amsterdam was rampant and many died.  Since the bulbs had a high percentage of starch, they began to be sold as food.  After removing the brown skin and remnants of the roots, the bulbs were cut in half, the flower stem removed and then washed thoroughly.  They were then cooked for about a half an hour and coincidentally, tasted much like potatoes.

Can tulips be brought to your home country (USA)?   Ensure that the bulbs have been approved by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA).  Flower bulbs remaining within the European community can be exported throughout Europe with no problems.

So, how many did you get right?

For more pictures, check out Facebook, Snapping the Globe and Instagram, @snappingtheglobe.

You can buy many varieties of tulips throughout Amsterdam and the Netherlands. The Flower Market, souvenir shops and here, at the Tulip Museum.


The Tulip Museum

  • Address:   Prinsengracht 116;  1015 EA Amsterdam, Netherlands.
  • Hours:  Daily, 1000-1800.  Closed April 27 and December 25.
  • Admission:  Adults, €5.00, Children, €3.00 and Families, €10.00
  • Getting There:  Located in the Jordan district, near the Anne Frank museum.

It’s All In the Details

© 2018 Snapping the Globe, L.L.C. All rights reserved.

Amsterdam layovers with more than twenty-four hours, usually involve trains to other parts of the country.

This time it involved a movie theater.

Learning of the Pathé Tuschinski, I was intrigued by the pictures of its grand art deco and gothic exterior with its two towers flanking the entrance.  Making my way through the city, I soon found myself at the Rembrantplein and following the tram tracks down Reguliersbreestraat, I was standing before a most magnificent piece of architecture.

Having heard about the theater’s self-guided audio tour, I paid for my ticket, donned my headphones and went back in time to 1921.

In the early 1900s, Polish jeweler, Abraham Icek Tuschinski, on his way to America was sidelined in Rotterdam.  After successfully opening four theaters there, he was determined to build his crowning masterpiece in Amsterdam.

The Tuschinski theater, based on designs by architect H.L. Dejong, opened its doors on October 28, 1921.  Although the interior was designed by Pieter den Besten and Jaap Gidding, Tuschinski was involved in all aspects of the theater’s design and construction and was inspired to bring a place of luxury and comfort to his patrons. The theater, a mix of many styles including Amsterdam School, Art Nouveau and Art Deco was built to a staggering sum of four million guilders.

Beginning with the lobby, I marveled at the domed ceiling with its eddy of ever-changing color as I was informed by my audio guide to search through the reds and golds of the lobby’s rich wall-coverings to find the paradise birds and peacocks, relish the richness of the Moroccan handwoven carpet and to venerate the lavish bar of bronze and marble.

The audio guide led me up the stairs and to the various parts of the theater, including the VIP room, the secret, almost-hidden Moroccan room and the main theater, the Grote Zaal.

The theater had an original seating capacity of 2,000, an orchestra, balcony and upper circle levels.  With not just a film screen but a stage for live performances, an elegant Wurlitzer organ had a place of honor on the left side of the stage.  As I stood on the balcony, amazed at the richness of the beautiful theater, I listened in wonder at the organist practicing his music.

The beautiful details throughout the building…the light fixtures, the stained glass, the woodwork…all lend to the opinion of it being considered one of the most beautiful cinemas in the world.  However, not just a place of beauty, the theater in its time was considered to be revolutionary with its unique heating and ventilation system which kept an even temperature throughout the building and the state of the art Wurlitzer organ with 850 pipes that could make just about any sound, including voice.

Over time, the theater underwent many changes including one to its name when it was retitled “Tivoli” during the Second World War and began screening German made Nazi anti-semitic films.  Sadly during this time, Abraham Tuschinski and most of his family were deported to Auschwitz, never to return. The theater name was changed back to Tuschinski in 1945 and used for many concerts starring big names of the day such as Judy Garland, Marlene Dietrich, Dizzy Gillespie and Fats Domino. More changes came in more recent years when the theater was renovated to its original style between 1998 and 2002 and expanded to add more auditoriums.  Today, the theater goes by the name Pathé Tuschinski and the Grote Zaal has a capacity of only 784,  however, five additional screens can accommodate 105 to 191 more patrons each.

As I walked through this incredible, historic theater, I was moved at how much attention to detail and thought could be put into a place of business and I imagined that I would see movies more often if I could come to a place so extraordinary.

As I returned my audio guide and collected my complimentary cup of tea, I checked the time schedule and discovered that “The Greatest Showman” was playing later in the day.

Yes!  I would return and make my visit complete.

Arriving just before showtime, I purchased my ticket at the booth in front of the building, opting to be seated in the balcony, which included free popcorn and a drink of choice (soda, wine and beer included).  Before the presentation began, I was giddy with excitement, especially when I found that this particular movie was a musical.  Usually not a fan of this type of genre, I could hardly envision any other type of movie to be the first that I would enjoy in this majestic theater.

And I was right.  I was mesmerized as I sat in the balcony viewing the large screen and enjoying the wondrous story line, feeling almost as if I was at a Broadway production, not a movie!  At the end of the feature, I was saddened that my time at the theater was over.

Since my visit, I have been to Amsterdam an additional time and the first thing I have done is to check the movie listings at Pathé Tuschinski.  Though nothing on the schedule interested me, I do know that I have discovered something to do there in the future, unlike anywhere else!

For more pictures, check out Facebook, Snapping the Globe and Instagram, @snappingtheglobe.


Pathé Tuschinski 

  • Address:  Reguliersbreestraat 26-34, 1017 CN Amsterdam, Netherlands
  • Hours:  Varies according to movies shown
  • Admission:  Varies according to seat location
  • Self-guided Audio Tour:  Daily between 0930 and 1130, 10€ per person, including tea or coffee.  Offered in Dutch and English.

Calling All Cat Lovers

© 2018 Snapping the Globe, L.L.C. All rights reserved.

Cats…had them when I was younger.  Norie, Blackie and a few whose names I don’t remember.

Today, I am more of a dog person, but when I read of the Katten Kabinet, I had visions of a museum with hundreds of cats roaming throughout the gallery.  Always looking for something unique, it seemed like something worth checking out.  I had some time to kill and it was in the area…

Paying the admission in the old patrician house where the museum is located, I looked around…no cats.  I browsed through the gift shop.  Lots of books and posters.  No cats.  Finally, I headed up the stairs.  Still, no cats.

What I did find, however, is that the Katten Kabinet offers a look at the role of the cat in art and culture throughout the centuries, displaying hosts of art in the forms of posters, original paintings and sculptures paying homage to cats.  The most interesting display, however, was a host of letters written to the museum and its cats from other cat lovers expressing their love of felines!

Founded in 1990, by William Meijer, a wealthy Dutchman, the museum pays homage to his feline companion, John Pierpont Morgan (1966-1983) and is housed in a structure that commands more attention than the collection displayed in it.  Built in 1667, for William and Adrian Van Loon, the museum faces the historical Museum Van Loon, an identical floorplan, just across the canal.  After a draw, which decided which of the brothers were to receive either of the homes, it was William who acquired the property at 497 Herengracht.  Throughout its history, the house has hosted several famous people, such as the Mayor of Amsterdam, Jan Calkoen and former American president, John Adams. It has been rebuilt and redecorated several times, though most of its current state represents the 19th century.

After walking through a couple of the rooms in the museum, I finally did encounter two of the five cats that are reported to live on the premises.  Stretched out on a window sill, a black and white feline stared impassively at the visitors wandering through its home.  A short while later, another mostly white cat paced back and forth behind a glass-pane doorway, obviously hoping to be released from its confines by the owner who currently resides on the top floor.

So, should you visit?

Well, if you are in Amsterdam and looking to drop a few more euro than necessary…this is your museum.

If you are tired of visiting austere museums on art and history, of which there are several…this is your museum.

Cat lover?  This is definitely your museum.

Anyone else?  If you have the IAmsterdam card, are in the area and have nothing else to do for half an hour (and I am being generous with the time)…this is your museum.  Otherwise, there are so many more places and sights that will fill your time more productively.  Seek those out.

For more pictures, check out Facebook, Snapping the Globe and Instagram, @snappingtheglobe.


Katten Kabinet

  • Address:  Herengracht 497, 1017 BT Amsterdam, Netherlands
  • Hours:  Monday through Friday, 1000-1700, Saturday and Sunday, 1200-1700
  • Admission:  €7.00
  • Getting There:  Tram, from Central Station, lines 1, 2 and 5 stop at Koningsplein.  Take a left onto Herengracht.  The museum is about a three minute walk.


Let’s Talk About Sex

© 2018 Snapping the Globe, L.L.C. All rights reserved.

WARNING:  Photos featured in this post depict sex,sexual content and nudity.  Photos are censored, however, if easily offended, please tune in later for other posts. 

There are those who don’t like to talk about sex.

And, there are those who do.

And those who like to see it.

Amsterdam, a very liberal place, is one of extreme freedom.  Marijuana is legal as well as prostitution.  Sex shows can be found in the red light district in addition to a few museums, depicting the sex trade and erotica.

One museum, the Sexmuseum Venustempel, located on busy Damrak Street, has been around since 1985, welcoming curious visitors by the thousands.  With its convenient location near Amsterdam’s Central Station and many of the city’s hotels, plus its relatively cheap admission, it has evolved into one of the most visited museums in the Netherlands, with 675,000 visitors in 2015 alone.

Having visited the museum about twenty years ago, when I was younger, I knew that I probably remembered it in a different way.  Aware of what it offered, I was curious to see what changes, if any, had take place after all these years.

The museum’s full name is Sexmuseum-Temple of Venus and the first thing you encounter is a full sized figure of Venus at the entry.

After issuing a greeting to Venus, I paid my admission and made my way inside looking for a familiar display…and there he was!

The flasher.

“Pssst!”  He whispers from a dark nook.  A motorized figure moves forward, whipping his coat open.  Well, you can figure out the rest!

Moving on, life-sized wax figures of Mata Hari and her male partners stand proudly to the right side of the room.  In the rear, a long line waits for entry into the fetish room, offering hundreds of pictures of different types of fetishes including domination, exhibitionism, nudism, bondage and larger partners.

Guiding yourself through the rooms, each offers a view into different types of sex or cultural views of sex.  Downstairs you’ll detour through the dimly lit prostitution room, depicting the sex act as it may have been a couple of hundred years ago, as well as a displays on erotic pastries and African erotic art and fertility gods.

As you make your way up the stairs, plastic body parts line the stairwell and each floor offers encounters with various exhibits including Asian Art, Sex Through the Ages, Sex and Artists (with a depiction of Rembrandt painting a nude subject, Demons and Sex and numerous phallic representations, displayed singularly and in groupings.  In the architecturally compelling atrium, which houses the Venus Gallery, make sure to look up at the window where a leather clad sex worker perches asymmetrically atop a stool.

Finally, I encountered something else that I remembered from all those years ago…Marilyn Monroe.

Yes, Marilyn, the sex symbol from the 1950s.  Her life-sized wax figure reproduces the iconic scene from her movie The Seven Year Itch in which she fights the upward breeze from the subway grate blowing her white dress.

The rich and interesting collection offers hundreds of pieces of art, unique objects, rare old photographs brought together in an interesting way.

Though not for those easily offended, the museum is both amusing at times and quite compelling.  Judging from people’s reactions when I mentioned that I visited, it is also probably not what most people imagine it to be.  You’ll definitely get your five euros worth (and maybe more!).

Check out more pictures on Facebook, Snapping the Globe and Instagram, @snappingtheglobe.


Sexmuseum Amsterdam

  • Address:  Damrak 18, 1012 LH Amsterdam, Netherlands
  • Hours:  Daily, 0930-2330
  • Admission:  €5.00.  Minimum age, 16 years
  • Getting There:  Walk from the Central Station direction Dam (2 minutes) or from the Dam square direction to the station (5 minutes).


The Church and the Tower

© 2016 Snapping the Globe, L.L.C. All rights reserved.

What if you woke up to this every day?


Visiting a friend in the Lower Town of Brussels, I was amazed when I looked out of her window and saw that this was her every-day view…the Gothic St. Catherine’s church!

This beautiful church (also known as the Eglise Sainte-Catherine and Sint-Katelijnekerk) is located about a ten minute walk from the Grand Place. It was built on the site of the former fish market and today faces the site of a regular market where you can find typical Belgian products such as seafood, cheese and local vegetables.



St. Catherine’s was originally built in the 15th century but completely redesigned between 1854 and 1859 by the famous artist Joseph Poelaert who was inspired by the Église St Eustache in Paris.  The only part left of the 15th century church is the Baroque tower which was added in 1629 and is located aside the church.

Clock tower from original structure


The interior of the church contains many baroque artworks, including a small statue of the Black Madonna, dating back to the 14th century, at the left side of the altar.  Other notable items are a Flemish pulpit and two beautiful tombs carved by Gilles-Lambert Godecharle and a portrait of Saint Catherine.

Flemish pulpit


imageAfter your visit to St. Catherine’s church is complete make sure to check out the Tour Noire (Black Tower) located on the side of the NH Hotel and diagonal from St. Catherine’s.  This 12th century tower, still stands strong and is the lone surviving part of the ancient stone city walls.


For more pictures, check out Facebook, Snapping the Globe and Instagram, @snappingtheglobe.

St. Catherine’s Church

  • Address:  Pl. Sainte-Catherine, 1000 Brussels
  • Hours:  Monday thru Saturday, 0900-2000, Sunday, 0930-1900
  • Admission:  free
  • Getting There:  Located about 10 minutes from the Grand Place, it is a nice walk but can also be reached by metro, Ste-Catherine stop.