Getting Around Gettysburg

©2020 Snapping the Globe, L.L.C. All rights reserved.

Though Gettysburg is known for its battlefields, there are many historic buildings and beautiful architecture throughout the city that should be investigated.

After a long day spent driving through the battlefields, I decided to check out some of the historic sites in the city. Though most were closed due to Covid 19 restrictions, I was able to photograph the exteriors and imagine the famous people that once walked here and the stories that emanated from the battles in the area.

One of the stateliest sites in the city is the Gettysburg train station. It was here that President Abraham Lincoln arrived when invited to say a few appropriate remarks at the dedication of the Soldiers’ National Cemetery. These remarks resulted in one of the most historic speeches in our nation’s history, the Gettysburg Address. The station was restored in 2006 and offers a self-guided tour featuring exhibits and artifacts relating to Lincoln and the railroad’s role in the history of Gettysburg.

Nearby is the Majestic Theater. Opened on November 14, 1925, the theater welcomed audiences to vaudeville and silent movies. Seating 1,200 patrons, it was built by Henry Scharf as an annex to the historic Gettysburg Hotel. Visited often by former President Dwight D. Eisenhower and First Lady Mamie Eisenhower, the theater also achieved acclaim for its premier of major movies including Federico Fellini’s Satyricon in 1970 and Ted Turner’s Gettysburg in 1993. Since its restoration in 2005, the theater has once again welcomed audiences to be seated in its original grandeur.

Around the corner and connected to the Majestic Theater is the Gettysburg Hotel. Though this would have been my choice of accommodations for my stay, I discovered that this historic hotel was closed until next summer as they are assisting with the housing of students from the University of Gettysburg. Centrally located in Lincoln Square, it is in close proximity to many wonderful eating establishments, shopping and historic buildings and is only a three-minute drive to Gettysburg National Military Park. Dating back to 1797, when it opened as a tavern, it has a rich history and is reported to be haunted by a few spirits including a Civil War nurse named Rachel, a wounded soldier and a dancing woman in the hotel’s ballroom.

Across the street is the David Wills House. Abraham Lincoln was a guest of David Wills here on November 18 and 19, 1863. David Wills was an attorney and superintendent of Adam’s County Schools, President of the Gettysburg Borough Council in 1872 and an Adams County Judge, as well as serving on the board of directors of the Bank of Gettysburg and the Gettysburg Railroad Company among others. Though his host was a very prominent citizen, I was uncertain why the President would not have stayed in one of the finer rooms at the Gettysburg Hotel, however, it was here that he met with Governor Curtin and completed his Gettysburg Address. The museum was closed during this time, however, I made sure to take a picture with the statue of our great President (with a statue of a tourist) outside on the sidewalk.

A short walk from the David Wills House on Baltimore Street is the Adams County Courthouse, built in 1859 to replace the original courthouse originally located in the town square. Used as a hospital following the Battle of Gettysburg, it is now included on the National Register of Historic Places. The original courtroom was in use from 1859 to 1979 and contains tromp d’oiel frescoes painted by George Seiling in 1859. Today, that courtroom is only used for ceremonial purposes.

Across the street, you can spot the Adams County Library with its own statue of Abraham Lincoln. Installed in 2014, the bronze statue sits atop a base containing the inscription of the Gettysburg Address and commemorates our President and the historic speech.

As always, I had hoped to check out some of the nearby churches, however, I found them all to be locked. St. Francis Xavier Church was first on my list. Standing on the portico, I found a summation of its history. Built in 1853, the church served as a field hospital during and after the Battle of Gettysburg.

Crossed the street, I found the Memorial Episcopal Church of the Prince of Peace. The first Episcopal Church was established in 1747, with the actual church being consecrated in 1836. It is known for a stained-glass window which depicts Christ with the Children.

Hopping back in my car, I headed north on Baltimore Street towards the beautiful campus of Gettysburg College. Established in 1832, by anti-slavery theologian Samuel Simon Schmucker, as Pennsylvania College, it stood in the way of the immense battle between the north and the south. The college’s Pennsylvania Hall became a hospital for hundreds of soldiers from both the Confederate and Union armies. In honor of its alumni David Wills, who hosted President Lincoln in his home, tradition has it that each fall, first year students recreate the procession through town to hear an honored guest read the Gettysburg Address. The school is also known for its Civil War programs. The campus is quite lovely and contains its own statue of Lincoln, seated in front of Stevens Hall, signing the Emancipation Proclamation.

There are many beautiful homes and businesses throughout the city, and I would have loved to have seen them all. Though getting around Gettysburg is quite easy, there was still so much to see in the nearby areas, and I was determined to make the most of my time. If you make your way to Gettysburg, make the most of your time and check out its architectural gems.

For more pictures, check out Facebook, Snapping the Globe and Instagram, @snappingtheglobe.

Gettysburg Train Station

Majestic Theater

  • Address: 25 Carlisle Street, Gettysburg, PA 17325
  • Hours: varies by event or movie entrance
  • Admission: varies by event or movie entrance

Gettysburg Hotel

David Wills House

Adams County Courthouse

  • Address: 117 Baltimore Street, 4th Floor, Gettysburg, PA 17325
  • Hours: Monday through Friday, 0830-1630
  • Admission: free

Adams County Library

  • Address: 140 Baltimore St, Gettysburg, PA 17325
  • Hours: Sunday, 1300-1700, Monday through Thursday, 0900-2030, Friday and Saturday, 0900-1700.
  • Admission: free

St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church

  • Address: 25 W. High Street, Gettysburg, PA 17325
  • Hours: Monday-Friday, 0830-1200, Saturday and Sunday, closed
  • Mass Times: Daily and Saturday, 0730, Wednesday, 1830 (Spanish), Saturday, 1730, Sunday, 0700 and 1000.
  • Admission: free

The Memorial Church of the Prince of Peace Episcopal

  • Address: 20 W. High Street, Gettysburg, PA 17325
  • Sunday Morning Schedule: Rite I Holy Eucharist, 0800, Sunday School, 0900, Rite II Holy Eucharist, 1015. Weekday Schedule, 0900-1500 for office hours, Monday thru Thursday. Holy Eucharist, 1200, Wednesday
  • Admission: free

Gettysburg College

Who Was Jennie Wade?

©2020 Snapping the Globe, L.L.C. All rights reserved.

Jennie Wade.

I had no idea who this was and why she would have a house named after her in Gettysburg, so I pulled into the parking lot, went inside and discovered an incredible story.

Embarking on the self-guided tour, I was first given an introduction by one of the staff appropriately dressed in period attire. At the entrance door, I was shown the bullet holes that both made Jennie Wade a notable name and ended her life.

As the Confederate troops were descending upon Gettysburg from the north and the Union troops from the south, the dwelling of Georgia McClellan, Jennie’s sister, was caught between the two armies in what was called “No Man’s Land”.

Unable to leave the city, as her sister was due to deliver a child and her mother ill, she was determined to make the best of the dangerous situation. During that summer, Jennie did what she could to keep up with the demand for bread and water and medical care for the troops. While standing in the kitchen, baking biscuits, the armies began firing upon each other, striking the house multiple times. One of the bullets pierced two doors, striking Jennie and killing her instantly where she stood in the kitchen. Although almost 50,000 soldiers were killed during the three day battle, Jennie became Gettysburg’s only civilian fatality.

As the guide left me, I made my way into the house, entering the kitchen. In front of the small table, I stood in the same spot where Jennie took her last breath. Sadly, there are still traces of Jennie’s blood on the floorboards and the kitchen was left mostly as it was on the day of her death.

The house is authentically furnished and it was easy to transport myself back to that time and imagine how it must have felt to go about one’s daily life while a war was waging outside the door.

Before I followed the the directions in the pamphlet given to me by the guide, I noticed a sign on the ill-fated door. Apparently, legend has it that if an unmarried girl puts her ring finger through the bullet hole in the door, she will receive a proposal of marriage within a year. There was even a letter from a happy couple, one of many received by the staff.

Entering the front room, I discovered that although it was probably originally slated to serve as a parlor, it served as Jennie’s sister’s room, fitted with a colorfully outfitted bed, small writing desk, cradle and fireplace. After careful inspection, I discovered a bullet hole from ammunition that pieced one of the bedposts.

Making my way up the rear staircase, I discovered two large bedrooms which made up the length of the house. Interestingly, there was a hole in the center wall which allowed access to the adjacent home. Just before that ill-fated day, an artillery shell had entered the home through the roof, knocking out the wall and this was the way Jennie’s body was removed from the home.

McClellan Upstairs

Walking through the ravaged partition, I made my way into the home next door, which belonged to the McClain family. Decorated with much finer furnishings, it was laid out in much the same way as the McClellan house except for the parlor remaining as it was originally designated. The large display cabinet contains many artifacts which include, envelopes addressed to Jennie from her suitor, Jack, a photo of Jennie, the 10 pound parrot shell which struck the house on July 2, 1863, a letter describing the shell and the floorboard where Jennie fell.

McClain Bedroom
McClain Kitchen
McClain Parlor

Exiting the home, the directions led me to the cellar. It wasn’t until later while looking back at my photos that I realized that it displayed a re-creation of the viewing of Jennie’s body under the quilt at the end of the room. Thankfully, I did not realize it at the time…this was very creepy in a town known for ghosts! Finally, ending my tour in the gift shop, I found many souvenirs and collectibles that keep the memory of Jennie alive. The staff in the giftshop were extremely helpful with additional information and provided me with a map of Evergreen Cemetery, where Jennie Wade’s grave can be found.

Off I went, in search of Jennie.

The Evergreen Cemetery, built in 1854, is adjacent to the National Cemetery and is part of Gettysburg Battlefield Historic District. Experiencing three days as a battlefield, it was destroyed and desecrated. Graves were run down and monuments destroyed.

Evergreen Cemetery Entrance
Headstones destroyed during the Battle of Gettysburg

Today, it is immaculately kept and many notable citizens are interred here. Two Confederate soldiers are buried in the cemetery and some tombstones still display battle damage. The most famous person, however, is Jennie Wade. Located near the front of the graveyard, hers is a tall monument, topped with a statue. Her tombstone states, “Killed July 3, 1863 while making bread for the Union soldiers”.

Jennie Wade’s Resting Place

That’s who Jennie Wade was.

For more pictures, check out Facebook, Snapping the Globe and Instagram, @snappingtheglobe.

Jennie Wade House Museum

  • Address: 548 Baltimore Street, Gettysburg, PA 17325
  • Hours: 900-1700, daily. Tours run every 30 minutes during peak season and every 45 minutes during the Spring and Fall.
  • Admission: Adults, $9.00, Children (ages 6-12 years), $6.75, Children (ages 5 and under), free.

Evergreen Cemetery

  • Address: 799 Baltimore Street, Gettysburg, PA 17325
  • Hours: 0700-1900, Thursday-Monday, 0700-2359, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday
  • Admission: free

Hallowed Ground

©2020 Snapping the Globe, L.L.C. All rights reserved.

Many soldiers gave their lives in the Battle of Gettysburg.

The battlefield’s landscape is dotted with numerous monuments which commemorate the Union and Confederate troops that fought there. More monuments can be found at the National Cemetery, which together with the battlefield form the Gettysburg National Military Park. Though many of dead soldiers’ souls may still roam the battlefield, it is there, in the cemetery, that you are reminded of who they were from their headstones.

After the Battle of Gettysburg, the toll on both sides consisted of the loss or mortal wounding of 10,000 lives, 30,000 injuries and 10,000 soldiers captured or missing. Because of the mass casualties, most of the deceased soldiers were hastily buried in shallow graves, marked by their names scrawled on wooden crosses. Exposure to the elements began to cause the erosion of the impromptu graves and it was determined that there was an immediate need for proper burials.

The decision was made to build a cemetery, using the site from which the Union center repulsed Pickett’s Charge, and ground was broken four months after the battle on October 27, 1863. Union soldiers were relocated to the cemetery and efforts were eventually made to move the Confederate soldiers’ remains to Virginia, Georgia and the Carolinas, although there are a few that remain in Gettysburg National Cemetery.

Having been to Hollywood Cemetery in Richmond, Virginia, I have seen the graves of these Confederate soldiers. I was anxious to walk around the historic cemetery in Gettysburg to observe any similarities, but I also knew that the Gettysburg National Cemetery was famous for more than gravesites, markers and monuments. There is something that makes this cemetery stand apart from landmarks in the city and other Civil War cemeteries.

On November 19, 1863, at the cemetery’s dedication, President Abraham Lincoln stood among these departed souls and delivered a two-minute address about the sacrifices of war and the necessity of holding the Union together.

The Gettysburg Address.

Four score and seven years ago our fathers brought forth on this continent, a new nation, conceived in Liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal.

Now we are engaged in a great civil war, testing whether that nation, or any nation so conceived and so dedicated, can long endure. We are met on a great battle-field of that war. We have come to dedicate a portion of that field, as a final resting place for those who here gave their lives that that nation might live. It is altogether fitting and proper that we should do this.

But, in a larger sense, we can not dedicate — we can not consecrate — we can not hallow — this ground. The brave men, living and dead, who struggled here, have consecrated it, far above our poor power to add or detract. The world will little note, nor long remember what we say here, but it can never forget what they did here. It is for us the living, rather, to be dedicated here to the unfinished work which they who fought here have thus far so nobly advanced. It is rather for us to be here dedicated to the great task remaining before us — that from these honored dead we take increased devotion to that cause for which they gave the last full measure of devotion — that we here highly resolve that these dead shall not have died in vain — that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom — and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth. —Abraham Lincoln, November 19, 1863

As I entered the gates on Taneytown Road, I immediately came upon the podium which was erected for visiting presidents who attend memorial ceremonies. To the right, is Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address Memorial.

The memorial is a semicircular stone monument which includes a bronze bust of the president, sculpted by Henry K. Bush-Brown, and two tablets on either side, one of which highlights the short speech. Though many think that such a profound address would have been inked on many pages, one of the greatest highlights of American history was only ten sentences long.

Though the memorial commemorates the Lincoln and the Gettysburg Address, the location of the great oration actually took place about three hundred yards from this spot, so I headed in that direction determined to find where it took place.

The cemetery is designed as a wide semi-circle with the Soldier’s National Monument at its center. Radiating from the monument are sections divided by state; smaller states closest to the monument and larger states along the outside. The Soldier’s National Monument, designed by the Batterson-Canfield Company is a mighty granite shaft rising from a four cornered pedestal and bearing sculptures crafted by Randolph Rogers representing war, history, plenty and peace. Glancing to the top of the shaft is the statue, “Genius of Liberty”, crowning its peak. The monument is notable as being near the location of the dais of the dedication ceremony where Lincoln delivered the Gettysburg Address.  Numerous smaller monuments also dot the cemetery’s landscape, including a memorial to the Union soldiers of New York and a monument to Major General John F. Reynolds.

Soldier’s National Monument
Memorial to the Union soldiers of New York and Monument to Major General John F. Reynolds

As I made my way around the grand monument and then the remainder of the cemetery, I encountered impeccable funerary grounds, maintained by the National Park Service, with a landscape dotted with cannons, concrete pathways and marble headstones.

As I reverently made my way through the premises, I discovered that although the majority of the graves accommodate the remains of Union Soldiers, the government later added sections for veterans from the Spanish-American War, World Wars I and II, the Korean War and the Vietnam War, bringing the total of veterans that are laid to rest here to more than 6,000.

When I first entered the grounds, the rain which had started during my tour of the battlefield had slowed to a hazy mist. The gloaming of the late afternoon, in addition, added to the sobering realization of just what I was surrounded by.

Not only is it a place where a speech of great magnitude was articulated by one of the greatest men in our country’s history, but it is a place where immeasurable bravery and patriotism was laid to rest. It is a place where we were reminded by President Lincoln why our great country was worth fighting for. A hallowed ground…not only for the lives lost, but the lives that continued and still continue on.

In this election year, it is important to remember the vision of our founding fathers, the lives that were given to bring our country to where it is today and to enjoy the freedoms that we have been given.

For more pictures, check out Facebook, Snapping the Globe and Instagram, @snappingtheglobe.

Gettysburg National Cemetery


The Suicide Bridge

©2020 Snapping the Globe, L.L.C. All rights reserved.

Covered bridges are a source of fascination for many and there are a few located in the southern Pennsylvania and northern Maryland areas.  One, in particular, is located in Gettysburg near the battlefields and was used by both Union and Confederate soldiers. 

In addition to my explorations of the Gettysburg battlefields, I had anticipated side trips into the countryside to each of these. 

After leaving the Eisenhower home, however, I passed by an old trestle bridge.  There were a few people standing on the bridge, which was closed to traffic, and I thought that it might be a good photo opportunity.

Parking and exiting my car, I made my way through the overgrowth on the road’s shoulder onto the bridge.  A plaque on the left, identified it as the John Eisenhower bridge and one on the right, displayed details of its builders, Gilbert & Smith, and the date of its completion, 1886.

The bridge was in a state of decomposition and it’s position being infringed upon by creeping vines and weeds.  Nevertheless, it was nice to observe the rushing, clear water beneath and listen to the birds chirping in the trees.

Only staying a few minutes, I hopped back on the road to complete my battlefield tour. 

It was a bit later that evening, that I learned from my waiter, that the John Eisenhower bridge has been dubbed the “Suicide Bridge”.  Now, there are many haunted sites throughout Gettysburg, some I knew about, however, I was curious about this one.

A little digging left me without any further knowledge about the bridge’s history but the idea that this is a paranormal hot spot, thought to be frequented by ghosts from those that have ended their lives here by hanging. Many ghost tours take you to this location, their guests hoping to see a ghostly apparition or experience energy from the other side. 

I can tell you that had I known this earlier, I might have been a little apprehensive about spending time in this location.  To be fair, however, it was broad daylight and didn’t seem so creepy.

Now, nighttime is another thing and I hear that many people head there during the dead of night, hoping to capture some sort of eerie phenomenon!

Not me! 

If you are interested in one paranormal investigation team’s visit, check out their video on You Tube,–Q&t=836s

Check out Facebook, Snapping the Globe and Instagram, @snappingtheglobe.

John Eisenhower Bridge

  • Address: 185 Waterworks Rd, Gettysburg, PA 17325
  • Hours: 24 hours, daily
  • Admission: free

The President’s Peaceful Place

©2020 Snapping the Globe, L.L.C. All rights reserved.

Where does a President of the United States go for some downtime?

For President Truman, it was Key West, Florida. For President George W. Bush, it was Kennebunkport, Maine.

For President Dwight D. Eisenhower, it was his home in Gettysburg.

Tucked away near the historic Gettysburg Battlefield, is the former home of President Eisenhower, which served the president and the first lady as a weekend retreat to escape the stresses of city and presidential life. Though both preferred to leave their responsibilities in Washington D.C., sometimes they brought some of it with them by having some of the world’s leaders as guests at their retreat.

Having purchased the home in 1950 for their retirement, General Eisenhower had to vacate the premises soon after to assume command of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization in Europe. During their absence, friends took over the maintenance and daily operations of the farm.

Two years later, Eisenhower, back in the United States, was elected President. Though his primary residence became the White House, he and his wife, Mamie visited their farm as often as possible with the President taking a hands-on approach when on site. So enthralled with the success of his farm, he received one of the most personally meaningful awards of his lifetime. The first, “Honorary Master Farmer” was bestowed upon the President in July 1963.

Set amidst the fields and mountains of Gettysburg, the home was perfect for Mamie and Ike with its large kitchen, eight bedrooms, nine bathrooms, stately living room, formal dining room, glassed-in porch and 495 acres. Today, the home still retains most of its original furnishings and during regular times, tours offer an intimate look into the life and times of the President and the First Lady.

Because of Covid 19 restrictions, the Eisenhower Home and Reception Center are closed, however, the grounds of Eisenhower National Historic Site are open and visitors may drive themselves instead of taking the bus service from the Gettysburg Visitor’s Center.

Reception Center

Though I would have loved to have taken a peek inside the presidential home, to get a glimpse of the First Lady’s very pink bathroom, the bedroom where Indian Prime Minister Nehru stayed during his visits, the President’s office and the many gifts of State, I had to be content to wander the grounds and only imagine what lay behind the drawn curtains.

Nevertheless, the grounds were well maintained and it was easy to follow the path around the 4100 square foot, Georgian-style house, which also boasts a barn with an attached office designated for the Secret Service, a reception center, a greenhouse and a tea house. There was a putting green behind the house where the President spent many hours perfecting his game and a helipad so that the he could come and go on his own schedule.

Secret Service Office Attached to the Milking Barn
Tea House
The President’s Putting Green

As you drive onto the grounds, you will spot the barns and sheds where the President’s prized herds were cared for. Though I noticed a path leading to these areas, it was not clear whether visitors were allowed during these uncertain times.

Standing behind the house, I reveled in the quiet and beautiful scenery all around me. I had only encountered one other set of visitors at the beginning of my self-guided tour and realized why the President made it a point to take a leave from the city and his responsibilities so often.

With so much peace and beauty all around, if I were the leader of the free world, I would have too! But Key West might be a better choice for me!

Check out Facebook, Snapping the Globe and Instagram, @snappingtheglobe.

Eisenhower National Historic Site

The Ghosts of Gettysburg

©2020 Snapping the Globe, L.L.C. All rights reserved.

As a believer in the paranormal, some of my favorite television shows are about ghosts!

The ones pertaining to ghost hunting captivate my interest because these paranormal researchers visit some of the most haunted places in the world and the United States. One Saturday night, I remember watching an episode which highlighted Gettysburg Battlefield and the apparitions that inhabit the once bloody battlefields. I was intrigued! Knowing that Gettysburg was only a few hours away, I vowed to take a road trip one day.

Many years passed and there never seemed to be enough time to squeeze that trip in between my work and personal travels. I had been all over the world…Greece, Vietnam, Paris…you name it…but I had yet to fulfill this one seemingly small visit to the nearby state.

This year, amidst the Covid 19 restrictions, I found myself with more spare time than I could have ever imagined. Because I could not get to my job easily, I was forced to take a leave for a few months. At first, it was quite difficult to be home so much more than I was accustomed. Nothing was open, so I found myself quite bored. Eventually, however, things began to reopen and I decided that even if I couldn’t travel with my job to the international places that I was used to, I could still try and visit the many attractions in my state and the ones nearby.

One day, I packed my suitcase and decided that it was the day…the day to finally visit Gettysburg and maybe some of its ghosts!

After a quick visit to the national park website, I gathered the information needed for a successful trip, arrived in record time and checked into my hotel. Deciding to purchases tickets to explore the visitor’s center, which I felt was a necessity, I then elected to skip the tour bus (and crowds), download the Gettysburg Battle Auto Tour and do it myself!

Arriving at the opening time, I said hello to a “socially distancing” Abe Lincoln and made my way through the Visitor’s Center, taking my place in line for my time slot for the film, A New Birth of Freedom. Along with the Gettysburg Museum of the Civil War, the film and the museum’s exhibits gave me the background of the events that led to the brutal three-day Battle of Gettysburg, fought between the Union and Confederate soldiers in June 1863. A major turning point in the Civil War, this battle saw more than 51,000 Americans killed, wounded or missing, most under General Robert E. Lee’s command. The museum contained a great deal of information of events that led up to the war, the war itself and the conditions that dictated the soldier’s lives. There were old photographs, soldiers’ uniforms, musical instruments ammunitions, letters, flags and a tribute to the ones that gave their lives for the cause that they believed in. Protected under glass, I spotted letters from Abraham Lincoln and headlines from his death in 1865. One of the most interesting exhibits, however, were the wooden ceiling joists taken from Gettysburg resident, John Forney’s farm. Hanging above our heads, you could see where a single artillery projectile pierced what once supported his house.

Though I was not sure what the Cyclorama would entail, after the film, I followed the crowds up the escalators to the upper level. The 360 degree painting, by artist Paul Philippoteaux, that surrounded us, depicted Pickett’s Charge, the Confederate attack on the Union forces on July 3, 1863. Once the equivalent of an IMAX theater, the life sized painting, which took over a year and a half to complete, was originally displayed with numerous artifacts and sculptures, including stone walls, trees and fences. It was quite the spectacle as I made my way around the circular room and inspected the magnificent painting as the light changed and each section seemed to take on a life of its own.

Once I had made my way back to the lower level, I quickly stopped at the Information Counter, received a map and some helpful advice on how best to tackle the vast expanses of the battlefield.

Finally in my car, I took a quick glance at the directions, turned on my Auto Tour and headed out to the first part of the battlefield in the northern part of the city, that of McPherson Ridge, where the Battle of Gettysburg began. Though I have visited many battlefields in Virginia, I wasn’t sure what differentiated Gettysburg from these combat zones. For starters, as I turned onto Reynolds Avenue, I discovered what it was…monuments, memorials, markers and plaques that commemorate and memorialize the men who fought and died during this important battle. Including the state monuments, this constitutes one of the largest collections of outdoor sculpture in the world.

Wanting to experience it all, I initially stopped at every monument, memorial, marker and plaque. An hour into my journey, however, I learned that if I wanted to finish the entire drive, I would have to step it up.

There were many locations that I stopped along the way to get a closer look including the Eternal Light Peace Memorial, the North Carolina, Virginia and Pennsylvania Memorials, General James Longstreet’s Monument, Brigadier General Strong Vincent Memorial, Little Round Top (the site of an unsuccessful assault by Confederate troop against the Union) and the monuments located on this hilltop. I learned that Devil’s Den, located below Little Round Top, with its huge boulders, is a popular place for visitors to stretch their legs and sometimes after dark, scour the areas around for ghosts!

Eternal Light Peace Memorial
Little Round Top
Little Round Top

There were many historical farms, with their buildings still proudly gracing various areas of the battlefield, including the farms of George Weikert, Abraham Trostle, John and Mary Wentz, the Sherfy Family, the Spanglers and the Klingles. I even discovered the home of our 34th president, Dwight D. Eisenhower.

The Home of President Dwight D. Eisenhower

Countless cannons dotted the landscape as well as other items used by the troops, including wagons. There was so much still to see as I neared the National Cemetery and the rain began to fall, dampening my efforts.

Pennsylvania Memorial
Pennsylvania Memorial

Finally, I made my way to the area that included Spangler’s Spring, which still exhibits its original source of drinking water and Cemetery Hill, the keystone of the Union position at Gettysburg. These were important landmarks where major assaults took place towards the end of the battle.

Such a distinctive and monumental place, the Battlefields of Gettysburg was one of the most informative, yet moving locations that I have ever set foot on. It is quite hard to imagine what partaking in those three days was like; the anticipation, the combat, the aftermath. So much effort was expended. You can still definitely feel the spirit of the souls that fought and perished here.

So, did I see any ghosts?

After a long day driving the entire battlefield, my efforts ended with the arrival of a huge thunderstorm. The lightening strikes eerily sounded like cannon fire and as I glanced out of my hotel window at the darkened skies lighting up intermittently, I decided that if I wanted to see ghosts, it wasn’t going to be on the battlefield that night.

Maybe if I had had a partner to egg me on, I might have considered driving the battlefield under the cover of night.. Or maybe, I would have had the forethought to book a room at the Comfort Suites. These rooms overlooked the Evergreen Cemetery and was adjacent to the Soldier’s National Cemetery. Certainly, they must see their share of paranormal activity just outside the hotel! This leaves me to wonder if they book extra for the rooms with a “view”!

Next time, I definitely know where I am staying!

For more pictures, check out Facebook, Snapping the Globe and Instagram, @snappingtheglobe.

Gettysburg National Military Park

  • Address: 1195 Baltimore Pike, Gettysburg, PA 17325
  • Hours: Visitor’s Center, April 1-November 30, 0900-1600. Closed Tuesday and Wednesday. December 1-March 31, pending pandemic conditions. Park Grounds and Roads, April 1-October 31, 0600-1000 daily, November 1-March 31, 0600-1900, daily.
  • Admission: There is no fee to enter the Visitor’s Center. Ticket with timed admission for the film A New Birth of Freedom, Cyclorama Painting and the Gettysburg Museum of the Civil War, Adults (ages 13+), $15.00, Seniors (65+), $14.00, Active Duty U.S. Military Personnel, free, AAA Discount, $14.00, Youth (ages 6-12), $10.00, Children (ages 5 and under), free. For access to the Gettysburg Museum of the Civil War only, Adults, (ages 13+), $9.00, Youth (ages 6-12), $7.00
  • Battlefield Tours: By car with licensed tour guide, 1-6 people per vehicle, $75.00, 7-15 people per vehicle, $100.00, 16+ people per vehicle, $150.00. By bus with licensed tour guide, Adults (age 13+), $35.00, Youth (ages 6-12), $21.00, Children (5 and under), free