Oh…Koh Samui

Since our next day was a travel day, we were up early and out the door, heading for Don Mueang airport.

Although we were only in Bangkok for two “half” nights (arrival after midnight and leaving hotel at 3:30 AM) I was sad to leave the Ibis Nana hotel. Last time I was in Bangkok, I stayed at the Mercure at the Skytrain Stadium stop. It was an extremely nice hotel that I booked thru Delta Perks, a site that offers us airline discounts with certain hotel chains. I absolutely loved this hotel and its location!  This time, I decided to try another Accor hotel, the Ibis Nana. The Ibis offers clean, Scandinavian style rooms. Our price was around 30 dollars per night, more than half of the Mercure’s price.  Since our stay was short, this seemed like a more reasonable choice.

What I liked most about this hotel is that there are lots of restaurants and bars in the area, so after a long day of sightseeing, you can go back to your room, freshen up and then you don’t have to go very far for a good meal or for nightlife.

Our flight from Bangkok to Surat Thani was booked with Nok Air. There are many discount airlines to choose from and most operate from Don Mueang airport which is closer to the city of Bangkok. Our flight was a steal at $67.
The good thing about booking a flight that departs at 6:10 AM is that there is no traffic at that time of the morning. Our cab driver was not happy when we had him turn on the meter…I suspect that he hoped to charge us a much higher fare than the 300 baht that was showing on the meter when we arrived.

Nok Air does not allow you to carry on your rollaboards, however, they do not require you to pay to check your luggage. The excellent thing about this is that with hardly any luggage being brought on board, the boarding process takes hardly any time at all.
The plane was impeccable and the bathrooms were immaculately clean.
On this short flight (1 hour) the flight attendants served a small breakfast snack, did a coffee service and even sold Nok Air products. Grant it, we were not full, maybe 2/3, but they were amazingly quick and efficient.

When we arrived, our bags were quickly delivered to the baggage claim.
We had booked the plane-bus-ferry option. It wasn’t long before we were loaded onto our bus and driving towards the Lomprayah ferry.

At the Lomprayah ferry terminal, we purchased the transfer option (150 baht) to take us from the arrival ferry pier to our hotel. The ferry was very nice and there was s snack bar for purchasing food, drinks and food.

After our docking in Koh Samui, we were met by the Lomprayah agents and escorted to our bus. 30 minutes later, we arrived at our hotel, Montien House.

We were told that our rooms would be another hour, so we went off to have lunch. Before long, we were checked into our rooms. I had specifically requested a room near my friend’s and facing the beach side of the property however, neither request had been met. In addition, someone had spilled something all over one of the walls and the room generally did not seem clean.
I went downstairs and explained what had happened. Thankfully, they were able to move me to the room across from my friend’s room, although it wasn’t beach facing.
Although I was unsure about the hotel at first, it quickly grew on me and I came to love the staff. Every day, they wanted to know my plans and when I came in, they wanted to know how my day was. The room was always cleaned very well and if there was something I needed, it was quickly taken care of.
The hotel was conveniently located near many shops, restaurants and nightlife.

On my last night, I went downstairs to go to the beach to release my lucky lantern.  I was alone and the front desk was occupied by one of the young men who worked at the hotel.  He saw my lantern and asked if I needed help with it.  I asked him to show me what to do.  He explained that it was easier if there were two people.  I responded that my friends were not there to help me.  What he said to me, was very touching, especially since I had had such a trying day.  “The staff here can help you.  We are your friends too!”

Maybe it wasn’t the most luxurious hotel, but little things like that mean so much to a customer!




Ibis Nana


www. accorhotels.com

Nok Air



Montien House



What? Wat Pho!

After our wonderful visit to the Floating Market, we headed back into Bangkok, only this time, our journey was much shorter with no traffic.
We had our driver drop us off at one of my favorite temples, Wat Pho, home to the Reclining Buddha.
If you’ve ever been to Bangkok and seen the Reclining Buddha, then you know how impressive it is, due to its large scale and detail. It is 141 feet in length, covered in gold leaf and inlaid with mother of pearl. When you enter the temple, you work your way along the front side of the Buddha starting at the head and ending at the feet.



Rounding the foot side of the Buddha you can see the intricate mother of pearl inlay underneath the feet displaying 108 different auspicious lák·sà·nà (characteristics of a Buddha). This area was blocked off due to the restoration of the Buddha’s feet. Presently, instead of rounding the end of the Buddha, within the building, you exit the temple, walk across the outside and reenter, so that you may experience the Buddha from the rear perspective.
Inside the temple, which houses the Reclining Buddha, along its backside, there are 108 wish pots which line the wall. You can buy a bowl of coins for 20 baht (about 56 cents), which you drop into each pot, one at a time, making a wish as you go. Last time I was here, I was not sure what these pots were for so I did not participate. This time, however, I bought my bowl, dropped my coins and wished away!



Visiting the Reclining Buddha is not to be missed, however, the rest of the complex is equally as amazing.
The temple complex houses the largest collection of Buddha images in Thailand, and includes four chapels. The Phra Chinnatat and Phra Chinnachai Buddhas, in the west and south chapels are particularly beautiful. The galleries extending between the four chapels feature no less than 394 gilded Buddha images. Next to the Reclining Buddha, this is one of the things I love about Wat Pho…the walls lined with Buddhas.

The remains of Rama I are interred in the base of the presiding Buddha image in the main chapel.
The entire complex is worth the walk as there are many buildings and picture opportunities.


Wat Pho doesn’t ever seem to be as crowded as some of the other sites, such as the Grand Palace, which is nearby. Entry is 100 baht (almost $3.00). Wat Pho also has good English speaking guides who will provide interesting information for around 200 – 400 baht, depending on how many people there are in your group and how good your negotiating skills are.
After leaving Wat Pho, we walked to the ferry pier and looked across the Chao Phraya river to the Temple of the Dawn, Wat Arun, which is presently closed due to construction.
If you are in need of souvenirs, I have found that the shops here have great prices in relation to other places in the city. Don’t pay any attention to the price tags, negotiate…but I have found that it doesn’t take much negotiating to get a fabulous price!

See more pictures on my Facebook page, Snapping the Globe!


The Floating Market

Once we indulged our appetites, we got a little bit of sleep. I knew that we wanted to be at the tour desk when it first opened so that we might have a chance to book a tour to the Damnoen Saduak Floating Market, something neither Nicki nor I had done on our previous trips.
As tired as I was, my internal clock must have coaxed me awake, because at 7:00 am, my eyes opened wide.
I quickly dressed and went downstairs. Since we had not booked twenty four hours in advance, we were unable to book the official Floating Market “Tour”, but we were informed that we could book a private car, longtail boat and tour to the market. Much better!
Quickly we dressed and returned downstairs to meet our driver, whom we had been informed, was to leave by 9:00 am.
Because it was a national holiday, Chulalongkom Day (the king’s birthday), traffic was horrendous. A trip that would have taken one and a half hours, took three and a half.
Finally, we arrived at the floating market and were escorted onto our boat. image
Driving through the canals, we had a taste of local life. Many houses were built on stilts and some were connected by pier walkways. As usual, the friendly locals met our passing with beautiful smiles and enthusiastic waves.
A stop at the Coconut Sugar Farm gave us insight into how…actually, I am not going to make this up. I have no idea what they do here, besides sell souvenirs and give out free samples of a coconut drink.

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On we drove, stopping locals in their boats for various food items, and stopping at market stalls along the way. Nicki and Angie snagged some clothing items and carvings…since I have been craving Thai food, I had more Pad Thai and then, coconut ice cream! It was more delicious than the last time I had it!

Because we had arrived so late, some stalls were closed and there were not as many boat vendors in the canals. Still, it was an amazing experience!
After leaving the main area of the floating market, we then went for a visit to Wat Prok Charoen buddhist temple and returned to the dock for our drive back to Bangkok.


Settling In

After clearing customs, getting SIM cards for our phones and taking a taxi over to our hotel, you would think that we would have just been ready to collapse.
No…we were hungry. At 12:30 in the morning…those small gnawing hunger pains that you know will not go away in the middle of the night, unless you take care of the situation. Now mind you, we had just eaten on the plane not very long before. But, of course, it was 1:30 in the afternoon, back home and no one had informed our stomachs that we were 13 time zones away!
After settling into our rooms at the Ibis Nana and freshening up a bit, we headed out to get some food…pad Thai, for me…and good ole Chang beer!

Now that’s what I am talking about…delicious Thai food! It’s what I had been dreaming about ever since I returned last year.
You don’t need a fancy restaurant…just a little family run place!

Good food, good beer, and good friends!


Bangkok, Here We Come

After traveling 24 hours, 5 in-flight movies, 4 beers, 5 People magazines, swollen feet and entertaining a drunk Japanese man next to me…we finally made it to Bangkok!

Somehow, my body wasn’t cooperating and just did not deem sleep necessary while in flight, getting just about 2 or 3 hours. Let me tell you, being a flight attendant who always has the option to walk through the cabin and never keeping still, it’s very hard to sit in a seat and not have much movement for that long of a period of time. So, from now on, when my passengers come to my galley to have their little yoga sessions, maybe I won’t be as judgmental or chase them out!

Before our journey started…in Atlanta Hartsfield a International Airport.  With Nicole Kinion and Angie Perry.


Two-thirds of the way…in Narita. Still looking pretty good after a 14 hour flight!


Finally!  In Bangkok…after an additional six and a half hours of flying. Looking tired!


Let’s get this party started!  Off to the hotel!