A Walk in the Jungle

© 2017 Snapping the Globe, L.L.C. All rights reserved.

Having visited San Gervasio archaeological site twice in the past, it was a place about which I could have said, “Been there, done that”.

Not me…

I love ruins and architecture.  So why would I not go back?

The largest and most important archaeological site on Cozumel is a sanctuary to Ixchel, the goddess of fertility and love.  Located in the center of the island in the middle of a lush jungle, populated with iguanas, flowers and foliage,  the site’s name was taken from the agricultural and cattle ranch, San Gervasio, founded by Mr. Gervasio Novelo on September 14, 1858.

The site’s original name is unknown, but its long history dates back to 100 BC and it continued into the late 16th century, with the arrival of  the Spaniards.

For the duration of San Gervasio’s existence, women have made the obligatory pilgrimage to pay tribute to Ixchel, “She Of the Rainbows”, deity of midwifery, fertility and women.

The site’s entrance is well-marked on Transversal Road, but once turning from the main road, the drive is long and narrow and marked with a speed limit that I think the iguanas could outrun.

A decent parking lot is available for those with rentals and a nice, attendant will keep an eye on your car…be sure, he will remember you and be standing nearby for his tip!

When entering the complex and paying your entrance fee of $4.50, you will first encounter a courtyard, with a few souvenir shops.  Since, I only had a rain slicker, we were trying to purchase a small umbrella for my son.  The shops only carried the long, curved handle type, for $10, which would have been impossible to bring home.  One of the shop owners, offered to lend us one, for a tip…actually a good deal for us and a smart move on her part.  How many times has this umbrella paid for itself?

Another tip I learned later was about bug spray…definitely bring your own.  My son is a mosquito magnet and I did not think of picking up some while in town.  The shop vendors were more than willing to sell us a very expensive can, which we did not purchase due to the size and cost.  Later, I learned that we could have asked for a spray down for a tenth of the cost of the can…something we should have definitely done for my son.

It is in this area that you can hire a guide to take you throughout the complex and the price for the both of us was $20, though we opted not to use this service. Restrooms are also located here and I recommend using the facilities before entering the site.

Before entering the actual archaeological site, you encounter another ticket counter.  I don’t understand the logic here…would you seriously pay just to enter the courtyard?  Anyway, here we paid $5 each and received our tickets.

The site is very well laid out, well marked and has sturdy paths to lead you from one area to the next in the front of the complex.

One of the first buildings you encounter is the The Little Hands Structure, so named because of the red colored hand prints that mark the wall.  The temple is comprised of two rooms in which a small temple was built in the interior of one of them.

Another small house-like structure is located nearby, although it is almost certain to have had a ceremonial use.  A small temple is also located in the center of the structure.

As we continued on, we encountered other small structures, but an impressive arch-like structure, which marked the intersection of two ancient roads  or sacbés, caught my eye.  In pre-hispanic days, The Arch Structure, was the entrance or exit of the central part of San Gervasio.  Pilgrims and traders would reach the famous sanctuary of Ixchel to make an offering at the altar that lies in the middle of the vaulted passageway.  It was here that many statues to Ixchel were found and are still being discovered.  One of the statues, a large ceramic image of Ixchel was believed to have delivered oracles spoken by a hidden priestess for pilgrims with questions.

From this point, we chose one of the two roads to either Pozo or Nohoch Nah.  The paved paths ended here and the road was rocky and a bit muddy from the recent rains.

Nohoch Nah, also known as the the Big House Structure, was quite an impressive one.  An altar in the middle of the enclosure, in which offerings were placed can be seen through the grated metal that covers the doorways.  Most archaeological sites prohibit you from standing on or climbing the structures, however, this one allows for climbing the stairs and walking around the formation giving you a distinct understanding of how the Mayans felt when they utilized the structure.

After a long and drizzly walk through the jungle, complete with massive puddles blocking the path, we soon arrived at Murciélagos y Pet Nah.  The Muciélagos and Round House Structures were the most important buildings in the Late Classic period in San Gervasio.  The principal center of the site was located here and it was also here that the Overlord resided.  The Round House was named as such due to the unusual rounded platforms and its altar which is also round. Again, we were able to climb to the top of the rounded platforms giving us a different perspective of Murciélagos.

After another long and muddy walk through the jungle, we soon arrived at the final area of San Gervasio, complete with four distinct structures.  The Palace Structure contained colonnaded halls most of which can still be seen standing on the foundation.   Though you were not prohibited from climbing the other structures, here, signs inform you that it is not allowed.

In this wide, grassy area, another structure, is the Ossuary,  The structure was aptly named after numerous human remains were found inside during exploration of the building.  The temple no longer exists, but originally had masonry walls and a a roof.

Another smaller structure also stands here in this area, Structure 25B, which was also another colonnaded hall with a masonry roof.   Different from other colonnaded halls, it only had three pillars with square bases and three columns with round bases.

Back to the smooth, paved walkways, we made our way toward the front of the complex returning our umbrella along the way.

Though San Gervasio is not quite as large as Chichen Itza or many of the other massive ruin sites in the Riviera Maya and has not had a lot of restoration, the numerous structures that can be viewed at close range amid the beautiful natural setting makes the off-the-beaten trek, worthwhile.

So…grab your sunglasses, umbrella and bug spray and your sense of adventure…head on over to San Gervasio.

Check out more pictures on Facebook, Snapping the Globe and Instagram, @snappingtheglobe.


San Gervasio

  • http://www.inah.gob.mx/es/zonas/101-zona-arqueologica-san-gervasio
  • Address:  Kilómetro 7.5, Carretera Transversal, Centro, 77600 Cozumel, Q.R., Mexico
  • Hours:  Monday thru Sunday, 0800-1630
  • Admission:  $9.50
  • How To Get There:  By car, head north on Transversal Road from downtown Cozumel.  The entrance is well-marked.  If you are arriving by cruise ship, many taxis will take you to the ruins and wait for about $70 and return you to San Miguel or the cruise ship’s dock.







A Peruvian Pyramid

© 2017 Snapping the Globe, L.L.C. All rights reserved.

Lima, Peru is an animated city filled with compelling history, amicable people, considerable bargains and mouthwatering cuisine.  So vast are the options in this city, its hard to fathom how to narrow down the list to fill your day!

Just recently, I was returning to Lima for my second visit.  Arriving late in the evening, I made time to enjoy a Pisco Sour, the Peruvian cocktail that the country is known for, before retiring for a quick night’s rest.

No sooner than I had shut my eyes, my alarm was going off, reminding me that it was time to hit the breakfast buffet and the busy streets.  Having some shopping to complete and a pedicure to enjoy, was first and foremost on my mind, but there was something else I wanted to seek out.

A pyramid.

Both times that I have planned for my visits to Lima, I have done internet searches for things to do in the vibrant city.   The usual items have always popped up… Plaza Mayor, the Larco Museum, San Francisco Monastery and Catacombs, Parque Kennedy.  This time, however, I found something different…two pyramids…Huaca Pucllana and Huaca Huallamarca. Not only were these pyramids located in the city, but one was in the area of Miraflores, my base of operations during my stay and the other quite near.

After my shopping was complete, I secured a map from the concierge as well as some helpful directions.  Since Huaca Pucllana was closer to my hotel, I decided to seek it out on this trip.  Heading up Avenida Arequipa and enjoying the colorful and distinct architecture as I walked, I quickly found my turning point, Calle Tarapacá.  A short walk and a right turn, the ticket window was there before me.

It was explained, as I purchased my ticket, that the next English tour would be leaving in thirty minutes.  Gladly, I took the time to take pictures, re-hydrate and relax my feet from the brisk walk I had just endured.

As the tour guide assembled our group at the entrance, we all stared up at the great adobe and clay monolith to our left.  A massive structure, it is truly amazing that it has not succumbed to the development of the city which surrounds it on all sides.

One of the most important ancient monuments in Lima, Huaca Pucllana,  currently an historical and cultural park, was found to have served as a ceremonial and administrative center.  It was ruled by a group of priests that politically governed the area as well as the valleys of Chancay, Chillón, Rimac and Lurín and was constructed around 500 A.D.

Guided around the plaza that surrounds the pyramid, we were briefed on the history of the pyramid and the Lima people who resided in this area and gazed upon the displays designed to give tourists a representation of life when the pyramid was built.  Separated by a large structured wall dividing it into two separate sections, one side was an area of offering and for religious ceremonies and another served as an administrative area.

As you make your way through the outer part of the complex, you will notice the intricacies of the adobe brick walls that are still in amazing shape and give you an idea of how the complex was divided.  When the project was begun in 1981, the entire pyramid and surrounded area was covered with dirt.  Excavation of the site has exposed about two thirds of the slopes and the upper part of the main building.  Many clay structures and adobe huts still remain as well as a preserved footprint of one of the inhabitants.

At the rear of the complex, an area has been set aside which offers a representation of the crops that the Lima people grew at the time as well as the animals that were kept.

Facing the front of the main pyramid is impressive…here, you can see the actual pyramidic shape which was built from seven staggered platforms.  Walking to the right, our guide led us to a ramp leading up to the top of the pyramid.  A birds eye view of the entire Huaca Pucllana complex is presented before you, but if you are searching for impressive views of the city surrounding it, you will be sorely disappointed.  Still, it is quite profound to be standing atop an ancient pyramid in Peru.

Our guide enlightened us with much information detailing the changes that Huaca Pucllana endured around the year 700.  By the year, 800, the highest parts of the site became an elite cemetery of the Wari culture.  Many tombs and burial bundles have been unearthed on this apogee, the most recent being in 2010, when the remains of an affluent woman were discovered along with four children, who were believed to be sacrificed to accompany her to the after-world.  Open tombs can be inspected which contain various elements such as clothing, household items and ritual objects.

Finally, we made our way down the pyramid and back to our entry point, which was also our exit.

If you find yourself in Miraflores, make time to head to Huaca Pucllana, take a tour, wander through the adjacent museum and have a bit to eat at the restaurant which overlooks the ruins.  The tour lasts approximately an hour and is an informative journey through an important time in Lima’s history.  Be sure to bring water if you will be visiting during the hottest parts of the day and when you need to tend to your dusty feet after your visit, grab a pedicure at one of the many salons in Miraflores…that’s just what I did!

Huaca Pucllana Restaurant

Check out Facebook, Snapping the Globe and Instagram, @snappingtheglobe for more pictures.

Huaca Pucllana

  • http://huacapucllanamiraflores.pe/
  • Address:  Calle General Borgoño cuadra 8 S/n, Distrito de Lima, Peru
  • Hours:  Wednesday to Monday, 0900-1700, closed Tuesday.  Closed January 1st, Good Friday, May 1st, July 28th, December 25th and National Election days.
  • Admission:  Adults, 12.00 PEN (about $3.68 US), Reduced ticket (children up to 12 years of age, students of higher learning, teachers), 6.00 PEN (about $1.84 US), Schoolchildren, 1.00 PEN (about $.31 US).
  • Guides:  All tours are guided
  • Night Service:  Wednesday-Monday, 1900-2200.  Adults, 15.00 PEN (about $4.60 US), Reduced ticket, 7.50 (about $2.30 US).  For safety reasons, the night tour does not include a visit to the top of the Great Pyramid.

Seafaring on the Seine

© 2017 Snapping the Globe, L.L.C. All rights reserved.

The Seine has always played an important role in Paris.


Two Olympic games’ events were held here in the early 1900s.

The river divides the city into the two different areas, the Left Bank (Rive Gauche) and the Right Bank (Rive Droite), both with very distinct personalities.

Beautiful architecture, in the form of bridges, cross many areas of the tributary…some of the most noteworthy are Pont Neuf, Pont D’Austerlitz, Pont St. Michel, Pont Des Invalides, Pont Marie, Pont du Carrousel, Pont Royal, Pont Alexandre III, Pont de Bir-Hakeim.

The Seine provides a means of transportation and entertainment…maritime river vessels transport goods through the city and boats carry passengers on sight-seeing voyages and dinner cruises up and down the waterway.

Every year, millions of visitors arrive in Paris, hoping to see the city from all angles.  At some point during their visit, most make their way to the Seine…walking along the river and taking in views of the Eiffel Tower or crossing the river to access other parts of the city.


One of the most popular attractions in Paris are the bateau-mouches, or river boats and there are a few different companies to choose from, including Vedettes de Paris, Bateaux Mouches and Bateaux Parisiennes.  Having only cruised on one of these companies, Bateaux Mouches, I really did not have much of an opinion on why one would be better than the others.  Same sights, different boats, right?


Recently, my son and I decided to make good on a boat ride.  On his thirteenth birthday trip to Paris, we had planned to take a river cruise one evening.  It was extremely cold and windy and other activities encroached on our time.  Leaving Paris knowing we had missed out on one of the prime ways to see the city, we were quite disappointed.  While he was with me in Paris again, we were definitely not going to miss out.

IMG_6822Taking a walk towards the Eiffel Tower, it was almost lunch time.  Grabbing sandwiches, our plan was to take the next departure on the closest boat company, Bateaux Parisiennes, and have our lunch on the boat…only, our plan did not work.  We just missed the boat and had to eat our lunch while waiting for the next one to depart.   Lesson learned…make sure you know the departure times.

IMG_8236Boarding the Bateaux Parisiennes boat, I was quite impressed with the accommodations.  Instead of rows of seats, all facing foward, there were small seating areas near the windows and a raised row of seats at the center to accommodate larger crowds, all covered in a nice, light-colored woodgrain.   Many television monitors were strategically placed throughout the boat showing upcoming scenery and retractable handsets offered a detailed commentary of the passing attractions.  A stairway at the center of the boat led to the top of the boat where benches lined the exterior for those (like us) willing the brave the misty afternoon.  There was also a vending area at the rear of the bottom level with soft drinks and snacks available and the boat was extremely neat and clean.


Passing the famous buildings and attractions, we decided to brave the misty weather and  go to the top of the boat for a while.  Coasting by Jardin des Tuileries, The Louvre, Musee D’Orsay, and finally Ile de La Cité, where Notre Dame presides in all of its glory, we had a prime view of the famous landmarks and the upper deck almost to ourselves as we glided under the beautiful bridges that cross the Seine.




The boat finally rounded Ile de La Cité and began it’s return journey.


As we passed our starting point and admired the Eiffel Tower, I assumed we were on our way to Swan Island to make the turn and view the Statue of Liberty.  Sadly, though I remember seeing the Statue of Liberty on previous trips, we did not go that far and returned to our starting point.

After docking, we were free to leave and continue our exploration on foot along the Seine.

When visiting the beautiful city of Paris, grab some snacks and drinks and head down to the Seine.  Try one of the river boats and see the city from a different perspective!  Or better yet, try one of the dinner cruises on their restaurant boats! Night or day, it’s a lovely way to enjoy the city.

For more pictures, check out Facebook, Snapping the Globe and Instagram, @snappingtheglobe.


Bateaux Parisiennes

  • http://www.bateauxparisiens.com/english.html
  • Address:  Port de la Bourdonnais, 75007 Paris, France (just in front of the Eiffel Tower)
  • Hours:  October-March, 1030-2200, departures approximately every hour.  April-September, 1000-2230 (2300, Aug), departures approximately every half hour.  Additional departures from Notre Dame from April-November.  See website for more detailed information.
  • Admission:  €15
  • Getting There:  Metro, Line 6, Bir-Hakeim stop, Line 9, Trocadero stop, Bus 42, 92, RER, Line C, Champs de Mars – Tour Eiffel stop
