Papa Noël Would Be Proud

© 2017 Snapping the Globe, L.L.C. All rights reserved.

It’s Christmastime in the city!

Many European cities know how to do it up in grand style…in general and especially when it is Christmastime!

I have been to many Christmas markets in many different cities over the years (Frankfurt, Edinburgh, Amsterdam, Paris, London) and there is nothing like it to get you in the holiday spirit.

During the last couple of years, having been in Paris during the holidays, I have visited the market on the Champs Elysees.  Last year, I have to admit, however, I was not very impressed with the types of merchandise offered and felt a little exposed being on either side of a major roadway.  When I heard that the Champs Elysees market was not opening this year, it honestly did not surprise or disappoint me.

I knew that there were other markets in different parts of the city and a little research informed me that indeed the largest market was not the now defunct Champs Elysees but always had been the market at La Defense, operating since the early 1990s.  Well, this was absolutely where I was headed.

Taking the metro was a relatively easy (although a bit lengthy) affair with only one switch.  Arriving in the La Défense station, however, was quite confusing as we dodged the massive work crowd trying to get home for their dinner and weekend.  Correctly assuming that the market would be near the Grande Arche, we followed the signs and found one of the entrances to the market.

For about six weeks, before, during and after Christmas, La Défense hosts the 12,000 sq. meter Christmas village.  Laid out in a grid-like pattern with red carpeted walkways, 250 wooden chalets present a wide range of goods to entice eager holiday shoppers to part with their hard earned euros.  Clothing items, ornaments, wooden games, jewelry, candy…you name it…it’s all there ready to be wrapped up and placed under your tree!

In addition to the shopping, there are countless choices of food items to be washed down with mulled wine, beer or hot chocolate.  And don’t forget about dessert…waffles and crepes galore!  If you can not find anything to tickle your fancy, however, remember that the Quatre-Temps mall and the CNIT are on either side of the market and offer a wide array of dishes.

The La Défense Christmas market also offers some other fun things…a virtual reality area, mascots who roam the market, a moving miniature Christmas village and Santa’s phone booth.  Today’s youth!  Why write Santa, or rather, Papa Noël (we are in France), a letter when you can use the direct line to give him a call at La Défense?

The whole area was lit beautifully and although it was a bit cold, we enjoyed walking around and admiring the beautifully crafted items.  Our only complaint was that we didn’t feel like there were enough Christmas-y items.  Although I found a regionally made nativity set for my collection, my friend was disappointed when she couldn’t find a Christmas ornament representative of Paris or even France for that matter.  What we found was mass produced and evidently made in other countries.

At the end of our sojourn, before we headed back to the metro, we decided to climb the steps at the Grande Arche to look out over the area.  I must say, with the skyscrapers on every side of the brightly lit market, it did make for a grand sight!  Papa Noël would be proud!

Check out Facebook, Snapping the Globe and Instagram, @snappingtheglobe for more pictures.


La Défense Christmas Market

  • From 23 November 2017 to 28 December 2017
  • Hours:  Zone 1, food service, open 7 days a week, from 1100 to 2300 (0300 on December 31).  Zones 2 and 3 open from Monday to Thursday, from 1100 to 2000, Friday until 2200, Saturday from 1000 to 2200.
  • Admission:  free
  • Getting There:  Metro Line 1, RER A, T2, Transilien train lines L and U




The Merchants of Venice

© 2017 Snapping the Globe, L.L.C. All rights reserved.

The best thing about Venice is getting lost!

Try reading a map of Venice…there are so many little alleyways and narrow streets, it is almost impossible to make heads or tails of it.  Carry a map with you, but use it in a general manner.

I love to enter the city and take any path, alley or bridge that comes my way.  You never know what you’ll stumble across…piazzas, churches, museums, restaurants, hotels, gelaterias…they are everywhere!

One of the greatest things you will find in Venice is the shopping.  Boutiques and markets offers a vast selection of items.

If you need a mask…certainly they have what you are looking for.  Going to a masquerade ball, you will be the hit of the party!

Glassware…with Murano and its glass-blowing artisans nearby, many beautiful pieces are available for purchase if you don’t make your way to the island.

Pasta!  You can get it at any restaurant and you can take it home to impress your friends at your own Venetian-inspired dinner party!

Artwork…many artists display their works throughout the city on the streets and within legions of galleries located throughout the city.

As a lover of jewelry, this is one of my favorite things to buy and bring home for friends and family as souvenirs.  Again, Murano glass is a big inspiration in many pieces.

Hungry?  Many markets pop up throughout the city for the residents to purchase fruits and vegetables.  If you are out for a stroll, however, and looking for a healthier option as an afternoon snack, there are many choices.

Some gelato to cool you off on a hot day?  There seems to be a gelateria on every corner!

Sun too bright?  You can find something along the way to help.

Looking for something special for mom, dad, grandma and your girlfriend?  Many stands, throughout the city, offer unique gifts and souvenirs.

Whatever it is that you are looking for, Venice is sure to have it.  So go ahead, throw out that map and take that bridge…take that right turn…go against what your internal compass is telling you…you never know what you might find!

For more pictures, check out Facebook, Snapping the Globe and Instagram, @snappingtheglobe.

Shop Til You Drop

© 2017 Snapping the Globe, L.L.C. All rights reserved.

Finding amazing deals in Lima is an easy thing to do.  From beautiful handicrafts to jewelry to clothing, there are plenty of stores and markets throughout the city to satisfy your shopping appetite.

The first time I went to Lima, I wasn’t sure what to expect.  Tales circulated around my friends about their shopping expeditions and the things that they were used to bringing home.  Knowing that many counterfeit items are sold, I wanted to stay away from these so that I would not experience any trouble when re-entering the United States.

Walking behind some passengers to the airplane, I was listening in on their conversation.  Our was relating a story about being there the week before and at a store that had piles of a particular kind of expensive type of clothing that my boys like to wear for ridiculously low prices.  Securing directions from him, I decided I had to check this out!

Walking up and down Avenue Jose Larco, I must have passed the store many times.  Finally, after asking for directions in my broken Spanish, I finally realized exactly where the store was located.

Entering the store, I looked around and realized that with the piles of clothing everywhere, there was no way I was going to find what I was looking for.  I suddenly understood why the passengers kept referring to this store as “The Dig”.

Whipping out my cellphone, I scrolled through my pictures and found some of the type of clothing I was looking for.  Smiling, the lady took me over to a table with shirts stacked very neatly by size and style.  Pulling as many different styles and sizes that I could, I walked away with a nice assortment (nineteen to be exact!) of t-shirts and polo-type shirts for both my boys and husband.  Getting them back to my hotel room and into the suitcase was another feat but seeing how excited they were when I showed them my haul, it was worth the effort!

Just recently, I went back to Lima with the intention of re-visiting La Quinta.  Hoping that the store still carried the same brand, I made sure that I had my credit card handy and held my breath as I entered.

At the same table, there were more styles and sizes than during my previous visit, though still neatly folded and separated by size and style.  Sorting through each pile, the salesgirl, put them aside for me until I was finished with the t-shirts.  Asking about the polo-type shirts, I was disheartened to find that the ones she had available were not quite what I was looking for, but instantly brightened when she showed me the three-quarter zip pullovers…a little more pricey, but worth the heavily discounted price.

These shirts are made for an American company in Peru and are irregular items that do not make the cut for excellent production standards.  Checking each piece for marks, cuts and overall quality, I finally had her write my ticket so that I could go to the cashier’s stand to pay for the purchases.   I all-but-dragged my bulging bag back to my hotel four blocks away!

Once in my room, I re-inspected each piece and discovered that I had two incorrect sizes.  Back to the store I went, and exchanged the pieces for the correct sizes.  Deciding to look around a bit more, I discovered another table selling another popular brand of t-shirts and with much excitement I discovered that, at the rear of the store, there was another seller with the polo-type shirts that I had been looking for earlier.

Paying for my purchases, I took my receipts to each of the sellers, collected my bags and once again made the trip back to my hotel to begin loading my suitcase.

Getting so many shirts into a suitcase already half full of my own clothes was certainly a challenge and I had to expand it to its largest size as well as borrow space in my tote and also unfold and use my Longchamps purse.

Having to check my suitcase for my flight back to Richmond and add extra time to my travels claiming my bag upon arrival was a bit of pain, especially after being up all night, but seeing the look of excitement on my family’s faces was priceless!

A whole new wardrobe for a fraction of the price..heck..I might have to go back each season!

For more pictures from my travels, always check Facebook, Snapping the Globe and Instagram, @snappingtheglobe.


La Quinta

  • Address:  Av. Larco , Miraflores – Lima – Perú
  • Getting There:  Walk north on Av. Jose Larco from Calle Schell.  Pass the next street Av. Ernesto Diez Canseco and La Quinta is on your left.  Directly across the street from Parque Kennedy and the Parroquia Virgen Milagrosa.