Bear Hunting in Berlin!

© 2017 Snapping the Globe, L.L.C. All rights reserved.

Throughout the city of Berlin…there are no lions or tigers…only bears!  Oh my!

The Buddy Bears are life-size fiberglass sculptures that have become unofficial ambassadors for Germany and symbols of Berlin since 2001.  Designed by Klaus and Eva Herlitz and sculptor Roman Strobl, the bears were created for an artistic event which aimed to bring art to the streets as other events did in many major cities of the world.

Promoting peace, international understanding and tolerance among nations, cultures and religions, the bear’s raised arms offer friendliness, optimism and quite often a positive mood…think of all those cute selfies!

There are four different designs…standing on all four paws, standing on two legs, standing on its head and a sitting position.  After the initial exhibit, many of the bears were sold at auctions which benefited child relief organizations.

Today, the Berlin Buddy Bears can be found on private premises, in front of hotels and embassies as well as in the foyers of various office buildings.

It is always exciting to be out walking and come across these fantastic sculptures!  If you think they are as adorable as I do and want to seek out some amazingly, unique selfies from the German capitol..I dare you, go bear hunting!

Check out more pictures on Facebook, Snapping the Globe and Instagram, @snappingtheglobe.


The Berlin Buddy Bears


Meandering Thru Mainz

© 2016  Snapping the Globe, L.L.C. All rights reserved.

One of my favorite things to do in a city is take a walk with a loosely based plan just to see what I find….architecture, sculpture, landscapes, places to eat…

Mainz is a quaint city, with old world charm and impressive architecture.  During World War II eighty percent of the buildings in Mainz were destroyed by allied bombings, however, many remain, some dating back to the 12th century and medieval times, and the new construction has been designed to  compliment the existing.

Sunday is a wonderful day to meander thru Mainz as most businesses are closed and there is not much traffic navigating the streets.  Taking in the allure of the city on an uncrowded sidewalk allows for full appreciation of the artistry of the city.

If loosely wandering is not to your liking, try downloading a walking tour app such as GPSmyCity which allows you to choose many different walking tours or even customize your own.  But even when trying out a structured tour, keep yourself open to other things you may discover, as there are many…

Things you might encounter near your hotel…


Things you might encounter while on your way to other places…




Things you might encounter while lost…and sometimes those are the best!


Next time in a new city or even one you are familiar with, take the time to slow down…look up…look down…look all around.  Take in everything around you!

For more pictures, check out Facebook, Snapping the Globe and Instagram,




Super Schnitzel

© 2016  Snapping the Globe, L.L.C. All rights reserved.

Recently, I sang the praises of the chicken schnitzel at the Eetcafe Mosveld in Amsterdam Noord.  My exact quote was, “It is truly divine and probably the best that I have had outside of Germany”.  Well, if you were curious to know about the best schnitzel inside of Germany…this is a place that serves it!



The Brauhaus Sur Zonne is a family owned establishment located in Mainz, about a half hour’s journey from the Frankfurt International Airport.    Located on a side street just near the department store, Kaufhof, it’s somewhat unassuming facade hides a fabulous restaurant with a small traditional beer-hall feel.

Many locals and visitors fill the tables and booths nightly to experience the warm and inviting multi-lingual staff and the reasonably priced and delectable (if not extensive) menu.

Every item offered is delicious, especially the Pepper Schnitzel and Mushroom Schnitzel.  Homemade potato wedges and a fresh salad round out the meals and even if you are not a fan of cabbage…like me…ORDER the red cabbage!  Amazing! But…come hungry or order a half portion.  The servings are huge and enough to take some home for your next day’s lunch.




After your meal, is complete, a lovely complimentary applekorn aperitif is offered.  A fabulous finale to a fantastic feast!



Brauhaus zur Sonne

  • Address:  Sonnengäßchen 2, 55116 Mainz
  • Hours:  Monday thru Saturday, 11:00 – 23:00, Sundays and Holidays, 17:00-22:00

Grand Dom

© 2016  Snapping the Globe, L.L.C. All rights reserved.

As you walk through the heart of Mainz, you encounter an impressive collection of beautifully decorated buildings and sculptures in the Domplatz (or Marktplatz).  Among these structures, the 1000 year old Roman Catholic cathedral still stands even after eighty percent of the city was destroyed during World War II.


St. Martin’s Cathedral (also known as the Mainzer Dom or The Dom), of which construction began in 975 AD, was continually rebuilt and restored, finally reaching its present configuration mainly in the 13th and 14th centuries. Predominantly Romanesque in style and modeled at St. Peter’s in Rome, it has survived seven fires and endured many exterior additions over many centuries that have resulted in the appearance of various architectural influences seen today.



The cathedral features a “High” altar and sanctuary at the East end dedicated to St. Stephen and a choir, presbytery and main altar for Mass at the West end.  All pews face west.  There is also a small double tiered Roman chapel, once the Bishop’s private chapel, on the southwest corner which is set aside for private prayer.  The interior of the cathedral houses tombs and funerary monuments of former powerful electoral-prince-archbishops of the diocese and contains many ancient religious works of art.



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Many of the supporting pillars along the aisles of the nave are decorated with carved and painted statues of German and French saints.  Among the most impressive furnishings in the sanctuary are rococo choir stalls and an early 14th century pewter baptismal font.  Because the interior of the cathedral was constructed from the local red sandstone, it can be a little dark, which may motivate the spiritually moved to light one of the many votive candles available for prayer intentions.


After exploring the interior of the cathedral, take a few minutes to experience the tranquility of the courtyard which contains statues of Saint Boniface and The Madonna. If time allows, visit the cathedral’s Diocesan Museum which houses a collection of religious art and exhibitions of reliquaries and medieval sculpture.




For more pictures, check out Facebook, Snapping the Globe and Instagram, @snappingtheglobe.


St. Martin’s Cathedral (Mainz Cathedral)

  • Address:  Markt 10, 55116 Mainz, Germany
  • Hours:  March-October, Monday-Friday, 9:00-18:30, Saturday, 9:00-16:00, Sunday, 12:45-15:00 and 16:00-18:30.  November-February, Monday-Friday, 9:00-17:00, Saturday, 9:00-15:30, Sunday, 12:45-15:00 and 16:00-17:00
  • Admission:  free, donations accepted
  • Services:  High Mass, Sundays, 10:00.  Vesper service, 15:00.  Additional masses on Sundays, 7:00, 8:00, 11:30.  Weekdays, 6:25, 7:30, 8:15 and 16:45.


Diocesan Museum

  • Museum Hours:  Tuesday-Sunday, 9:00-17:00
  • Museum Admission:  Adults, € 5,00, Children, € 3,50








Museum Time in Mainz

© 2016  Snapping the Globe, L.L.C. All rights reserved.

If you ever find yourself in Mainz, Germany on a Sunday, you may ask yourself, “How on earth will I occupy myself today?”  Yes, everything is pretty much closed on Sundays throughout much of Germany.  Well, not everything…

After a little bit of googling, it was uncovered that the Gutenberg Museum in Mainz is open on most Sundays and can be quite entertaining for a few hours. The history of printing, writing and books is showcased in a three story volunteer-run modern institution.


Located in the heart of the old part of Mainz near the cathedral, it is one of the oldest museums of books and printing in the world.  Founded in 1900, it was dedicated to Johannes Gutenberg, who in the 15th century ushered in the information age by perfecting movable type.


Most notable in the gallery are the extremely rare and valuable examples of Gutenberg’s original 42-line bible, kept in a walk-in vault.  Another main attraction is a reconstruction of Gutenberg’s workshop. Museum visitors are shown on the hour (at 10:00, 11:00, 12:00, 14:00, 15:00, 16:00) how printing was done during the time of Johannes Gutenberg.




Printing presses spanning a period of several centuries are on display.  Detailed information of European and non-European printing technology and books in the course of centuries as well as the history of paper and writing, the history of newspapers and magazines and bookbinding are also presented.

imageOne section that I found most interesting was the section on the history of printing beginning with the Chinese, Japanese and Koreans.  Very fascinating to see was the Chinese wood blocks used for printing as well as writing on tortoise shells and bone.  The Chinese invented movable type long before Gutenberg, but the thousands of characters required to create written Chinese made the invention impractical. A table, on display in the museum, which contains thousands of Chinese characters in movable type, is most impressive.


In the museum’s Druckladen (print shop) you can try out Gutenberg’s technology yourself, with instruction on the art of hand-setting type…backwards, of course. Nearby, master craftsmen produce elegant posters, cards and certificates using the labor-intensive technologies of the past.

Either before or after your visit, take some time to see the statue of Johannes Gutenberg outside of the museum as well as the unique printing block sculptures.P1040502(1)



The tour is self-guided and most exhibits are in English.  If you care for more information, an audio tour can be purchased for €3.50.

.For more pictures, check out Facebook, Snapping the Globe and Instagram, @snappingtheglobe.


Gutenberg Museum

  • Address:  Liebfrauenplatz 5, 55116 Mainz
  • Admission:  Adults, € 5,00, Children (ages 8-18) € 2,00, Children (under 8) free, Family ticket (parents with own children up to 15 years):  € 10.00.  Reduced Fee: € 3.00 applicable for students from 19 years onward; trainees; disabled persons; recipients of Social Security benefits; seniors from 63 years onward; pensioners; conscripts / conscientious objectors undergoing civilian service – corresponding documentation is necessary.
  • Hours: Exhibition Building, Tuesday to Saturday: 9.00 a.m. – 5.00 p.m., Sunday: 11.00 a.m. – 5.00 p.m. Closed on Mondays and on public holidays.
  • Self-guided Audio tour (German, English, French): € 3.50
  • Getting there:  Bus routes 54-57-60-65 and 71 from the central station to the Höfchen bus stop or bus routes 64, 71 from the south central station (Römisches Theater) to the Höfchen bus stop