Not This Girl’s Best Friend!

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Diamonds are forever…unless you have a small museum and don’t have the adequate security to display them!  What’s the tagline then?  Replicas are forever?

So what do you do on an Amsterdam layover when you need your diamond fix?  Go to the Diamond Museum.  Only you find that there are no diamonds?


Located in the Museumplein, across from the Rijksmuseum, the museum was created by Coster Diamonds, a large Amsterdam based diamond polishing and trading firm.

Starting with a short educational film, offered in both English and Dutch, the museum takes you through information and exhibits detailing the geologic creation of diamonds and the history of human affection of diamonds.



imageNot a very large museum, it is filled with replicas of famous jewels, some old equipment used in processing diamonds, information on the history of the diamond industry in Amsterdam and the diamond influence on fashion, entertainment and everyday life.


imageAlthough much of the museum was devoted to displays, it was interesting to learn about the history of the diamond industry. My favorite part of the museum, however, was the space devoted to stories detailing famous jewel heists.  Another fascinating part was the exhibit on historical crowns decorated with diamonds.  The crowns were well displayed, colorful and a highlight of the mediocrity of the gallery.





Athough my Museumkaart was expired and I had to pay the full price of admission, the museum was good to occupy an hour of time, especially since the weather was not optimum.  But, if you are looking for an outstanding way to kill more time and see real works of art, walk across to the Museumplein and the Rijksmuseum, the Van Gogh Museum or the Stedelijk Museum.


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The Diamantmuseum Amsterdam

  • Address:  Paulus Potterstraat 8 1071 CZ Amsterdam
  • Hours:  0900-1700, daily
  • Admission:  Adults, 10€, 65+/students, 7,50€, Children, 13-18, 7,50€, Children, 0-12, free, Museumkaart holders, free, I Amsterdam card holders, free
  • Getting There:  Take Trams, 2, 5 or 12 or Bus 145, 170, 172, 174 and 197 |