Inside Out

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If you slice open a human body, what does it look like on the inside?

If you are a medical student, you probably have had the opportunity during a anatomy class to see the inner workings of the human body. Most people, however, have not.

Years ago, my husband and I visited the Bodies Exhibition at the Luxor Hotel and Casino. Thirteen preserved and dissected bodies and 260 organs gave us the opportunity to view the complexity of our own organs and systems. It was truly interesting to see our skeletal, muscular, respiratory and circulatory systems up close and this unique look at the human body had a lasting effect on how I viewed my health and well-being.

Recently, while staying at Bally’s, I noticed advertisements for REAL BODIES. What was the difference between this one and the exhibit still on display at the Luxor Hotel?

I found myself with a little time one afternoon and decided to check it out.

Real BODIES was much as I remembered the exhibit years earlier. This exhibit, however, is much larger, with twenty bodies and over 200 specimens. As I moved through the well-lit spaces, highlighting the fascinating specimens, I learned that this exhibit, also incorporates emotional and cultural narratives and artistic installations. The well-posed specimens were captivating, however, I was mesmerized by the variety of organs displayed and the faces detailing the circulatory systems.

Another favorite part of the display was the ossuary honoring the passage from life to death. The displays of bones and skulls brought back memories of visits to various ossuaries that I have visited over the years (Capuchin Crypt in Rome, Santuario di San Bernardino alle Ossa in Milan, Catacombs of Paris).

Though some might find it a bit disturbing, I also found the Beginnings part of the exhibit to be particularly intriguing with its look into the start of life. Embryos, placentas and vessels displaying specimens of unrealized pregnancies show fetal bone development as well as the development of the small bodies at various stages of propagation.

And if you think embryos are a little disturbing, you need to draw back the sheer curtain and take a look at the skin suit. Yes, one that Buffalo Bill from Silence of the Lambs would absolutely kill for!

In the end, I compared the two exhibitions in my mind and decided that while they were both interesting, REAL BODIES offered more information and at the same time was also a bit cheaper.

If anyone is trying to make the decision of which to visit, location may be a large part of your choice, however, you won’t be disappointed by either. And for those, faint of heart, who may be deterred by the thought of looking into a human body, believe me, its like no other spectacle that you have ever seen!

Check out more pictures on Facebook, Snapping the Globe and Instagram, @snappingtheglobe.


  • Address: Bally’s Las Vegas Hotel & Casino, 3645 S Las Vegas Blvd, Suite A1-A3, Las Vegas, NV 89109
  • Hours: 1000-2100, daily
  • Admission: $29.95 per person (discounts may be found on various sights)

Bodies Exhibition